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 aster ['æstɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 紫苑属植物

[医] 星体

  1. This white aster is magnificent.
  2. Dwarfish aster in an unknown variety. Its bloom anticipates that of the other asters of a big week.
  3. The establishment of the M aster's Program on Taxation Law and the implementing of the relevant education projects are the basic approaches to realize the modernization of taxation law e ducation and to cultivate taxation law

[ noun ]
  1. any of various chiefly fall-blooming herbs of the genus Aster with showy daisylike flowers

  2. <noun.plant>
  3. star-shaped structure formed in the cytoplasm of a cell having fibers like rays that surround the centrosome during mitosis

  4. <noun.body>

Aster \As"ter\ ([a^]s"t[~e]r), n. [L. aster aster, star, Gr.
'asth`r star. See {Star}.]
1. (Bot.) A genus of herbs with compound white or bluish
flowers; starwort; Michaelmas daisy.

2. (Floriculture) A plant of the genus {Callistephus}. Many
varieties (called {China asters}, {German asters}, etc.)
are cultivated for their handsome compound flowers.

3. (Biol.) A star-shaped figure of achromatic substance found
chiefly in cells dividing by mitosis.
[Webster 1913 Suppl.]

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