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 assimilate [ә'simileit]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 使同化, 吸收, 使相拟, 把...比作

vi. 被吸收, 被同化

[医] 同化

  1. The USA has assimilated people from many different countries.
  2. Some foods are assimilated more easily than others.
  3. It's not easy to assimilate so many ideas.


Assimilate \As*sim"i*late\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Assimilated};
p. pr. & vb. n. {Assimilating}.] [L. assimilatus, p. p. of
assimilare; ad + similare to make like, similis like. See
{Similar}, {Assemble}, {Assimilate}.]
1. To bring to a likeness or to conformity; to cause a
resemblance between. --Sir M. Hale.

To assimilate our law to the law of Scotland. --John

Fast falls a fleecy; the downy flakes
Assimilate all objects. --Cowper.

2. To liken; to compa?e. [R.]

3. To appropriate and transform or incorporate into the
substance of the assimilating body; to absorb or
appropriate, as nourishment; as, food is assimilated and
converted into organic tissue.

Hence also animals and vegetables may assimilate
their nourishment. --Sir I.

His mind had no power to assimilate the lessons.

Assimilate \As*sim"i*late\, v. i.
1. To become similar or like something else. [R.]

2. To change and appropriate nourishment so as to make it a
part of the substance of the assimilating body.

Aliment easily assimilated or turned into blood.

3. To be converted into the substance of the assimilating
body; to become incorporated; as, some kinds of food
assimilate more readily than others.

I am a foreign material, and cannot assimilate with
the church of England. --J. H.

  1. 'Investors don't like surprises, especially ones like this which are difficult to assimilate.'
  2. The small growth in expenses comes as the so-called super-regional continues to assimilate the banks it has acquired.
  3. Whereas some predators assimilate acquisitions within months, Nestle usually takes two or three years to start the process in earnest.
  4. While the Sony win is a coup for Burnett, it raises questions about how the agency will assimilate the deluge of new business.
  5. We really do know all we need to know, if only we could assimilate this knowledge into our thinking.
  6. Maybe, if we have managed to assimilate a great deal of information from the past.
  7. In short, while China pays lip service to one country-two systems, the fundamental policy of Peking is to assimilate all within its influence into the Han Chinese socialist mold.
  8. Ms. Porter thinks they're motivated by their own desire to preserve Hispanic culture and language in the face of the inevitable pressure to assimilate.
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