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 ascent [ə'sent]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 上升, 提高, 攀登, 上坡路

  1. Who was the first man to make an ascent in a balloon?
  2. The last part of the ascent is very steep.
  3. Melodic ascent and descent of pitch.

[ noun ]
  1. an upward slope or grade (as in a road)

  2. <noun.object>
    the car couldn't make it up the rise
  3. a movement upward

  4. <noun.event>
    they cheered the rise of the hot-air balloon
  5. the act of changing location in an upward direction

  6. <noun.act>

Ascent \As*cent"\ [Formed like descent, as if from a F. ascente,
fr. a verb ascendre, fr. L. ascendere. See {Ascend},
1. The act of rising; motion upward; rise; a mounting upward;
as, he made a tedious ascent; the ascent of vapors from
the earth.

To him with swift ascent he up returned. --Milton.

2. The way or means by which one ascends.

3. An eminence, hill, or high place. --Addison.

4. The degree of elevation of an object, or the angle it
makes with a horizontal line; inclination; rising grade;
as, a road has an ascent of five degrees.

  1. Longview Fibre continued its ascent, rising 2 1/2 to 54 1/2.
  2. Coupled with last week's steps to cap the currency's ascent, traders and economists now believe the banks' so-called band of tolerance is a very wide 1.60-1.90 marks and 120-140 yen.
  3. "She didn't have an enemy in the world," said her agent, Jonathan Howard. "She was a very successful young actress, on the ascent, getting job after job.
  4. The rest must come from government or agency business. Even accounting for the later start, Bankers Trust has not matched Morgan's rapid ascent up Wall Street's underwriting ladder.
  5. His 29-year climb from men's furnishings at a Sears store in Madison, Wis., to the chairman's office on the 68th floor of the Sears Tower _ a rapid ascent by big-business standards _ is the stuff of corporate legends.
  6. While a nearly all-male club is making its annual New Year's Eve trek up 14,110-foot Pike's Peak, a group of women will be making a 1,000-foot ascent of a nearby mountain in jest of the traditional event.
  7. But as the racial divisions have taken attention away from other questions of public policy and decision-making ability, Mr. Koch's vulnerability on race appears to have stalled his ascent in the polls.
  8. Once futures rallied, the cash markets in New York followed suit, and the Dow began a slow ascent from its unnerving 104-point loss.
  9. They said the amounts were small and the action was interpreted as more an attempt to smooth volatility and slow the dollar's ascent than to stop it.
  10. Nothing stands above our staircase except a proposal for an inauguration on Ascension Day, on which atheists can merely see the stairs' ascent and others can impose a Christian interpretation.
  11. The rosier U.S. and poorer German outlooks "together led to a dollar ascent that left everybody gasping."
  12. Despite the clear signs of ascent, it is still too early to predict who will finally come out on top as East Germany goes through widespread and seemingly uncontrollable changes.
  13. Adams felt Tyler's ascent to the presidency was "in direct violation both of grammar and context of the Constitution."
  14. Climbers, inspired by the tragic first ascent by Edward Whymper, in which four people were killed on the way down, could not keep away either.
  15. At a certain point in the ascent the formation divides into two groups of four and five planes that turn away in opposite directions while descending in curves.
  16. Four Siberians from Tomsk were recovering in the camp after a stormy ascent of Khan Tengri, a legendary marble mountain further up our side of the glacier which is said to glow pink on fine evenings.
  17. The markets are still undecided whether the Bush's ascent to the presidency ultimately will result in a stronger or a weaker dollar, traders in Frankfurt said.
  18. Asia also is on the ascent, with the U.S. eventually nestling into a Tokyo-dominated "Pacific sphere" as an offshore granary.
  19. The rise in share prices over the course of the week was another source of concern, analysts said, as they questioned the speed of the ascent.
  20. Both are an ascent.
  21. His announcement Thursday concluded a campaign that used often non-traditional attention-getters _ his bicycle ride across Iowa, an ascent of Mount Washington in New Hampshire, and a rugged cross-country ski tour in northern Arizona.
  22. After a falloff last week, the average interest rate resumed its ascent, to 7.049%, at Citicorp's $50 million weekly auction of 91-day commercial paper, or corporate IOUs.
  23. During your ascent, could you tell that at all?
  24. He said that after the dollar's sharp ascent, the market is too vulnerable to disappointment from economic data scheduled for release this week.
  25. For Solidarity and its partners to succeed where Communists have failed, they will have to complete an internal revolution as daunting as their ascent to power: They must convert a trade union to a force for the free market.
  26. Stock and bond prices tumbled and the dollar continued its ascent, to a 16-month high against the mark. The Dow Jones industrials fell 37.87 points to 2927.72 and Treasury bonds declined more than half a point.
  27. An even sharper ascent can be traced for new homes, which sold for a median price of $55,700 in l978 and $75,300 in 1983.
  28. As the price rose, short-covering accelerated the ascent, he added.
  29. Zia's ascent, Mustafa Gokal was appointed a special minister for shipping.
  30. The dollar, however, resumed its ascent in early June as Asian investors sought a safe-haven currency following the Chinese government's crackdown on pro-democracy demonstrators.
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