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 article ['ɑ:tikl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 文章, 冠词, 物品, 物件, 条款, 契约

[计] 信件

[化] 条款

[医] 关节, 节

[经] 商品, 条款, 文章

  1. I am articled to a firm of lawyers.
  2. Have you read the article on information revolution?
  3. The newspaper article gave a graphic description of the earthquake.

[ noun ]
  1. nonfictional prose forming an independent part of a publication

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. one of a class of artifacts

  4. <noun.tops>
    an article of clothing
  5. a separate section of a legal document (as a statute or contract or will)

  6. <noun.communication>
  7. (grammar) a determiner that may indicate the specificity of reference of a noun phrase

  8. <noun.communication>
[ verb ]
  1. bind by a contract; especially for a training period

  2. <verb.communication>

Article \Ar"ti*cle\, n. [F., fr. L. articulus, dim. of artus
joint, akin to Gr. ?, fr. a root ar to join, fit. See {Art},
1. A distinct portion of an instrument, discourse, literary
work, or any other writing, consisting of two or more
particulars, or treating of various topics; as, an article
in the Constitution. Hence: A clause in a contract, system
of regulations, treaty, or the like; a term, condition, or
stipulation in a contract; a concise statement; as,
articles of agreement.

2. A literary composition, forming an independent portion of
a magazine, newspaper, or cyclopedia.

3. Subject; matter; concern; distinct. [Obs.]

A very great revolution that happened in this
article of good breeding. --Addison.

This last article will hardly be believed. --De Foe.

4. A distinct part. ``Upon each article of human duty.''
--Paley. ``Each article of time.'' --Habington.

The articles which compose the blood. --E. Darwin.

5. A particular one of various things; as, an article of
merchandise; salt is a necessary article.

They would fight not for articles of faith, but for
articles of food. --Landor.

6. Precise point of time; moment. [Obs. or Archaic]

This fatal news coming to Hick's Hall upon the
article of my Lord Russell's trial, was said to have
had no little influence on the jury and all the
bench to his prejudice. --Evelyn.

7. (Gram.) One of the three words, a, an, the, used before
nouns to limit or define their application. A (or an) is
called the indefinite article, the the definite article.

8. (Zo["o]l.) One of the segments of an articulated

{Articles of Confederation}, the compact which was first made
by the original thirteen States of the United States. They
were adopted March 1, 1781, and remained the supreme law
until March, 1789.

{Articles of impeachment}, an instrument which, in cases of
impeachment, performs the same office which an indictment
does in a common criminal case.

{Articles of war}, rules and regulations, fixed by law, for
the better government of the army.

{In the article of death} [L. in articulo mortis], at the
moment of death; in the dying struggle.

{Lords of the articles} (Scot. Hist.), a standing committee
of the Scottish Parliament to whom was intrusted the
drafting and preparation of the acts, or bills for laws.

{The Thirty-nine Articles}, statements (thirty-nine in
number) of the tenets held by the Church of England.

Article \Ar"ti*cle\, v. i.
To agree by articles; to stipulate; to bargain; to covenant.

Then he articled with her that he should go away when
he pleased. --Selden.

Article \Ar"ti*cle\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Articled}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Articling}.] [Cf. F. articuler, fr. L. articulare.
See {Article}, n., {Articulate}.]
1. To formulate in articles; to set forth in distinct

If all his errors and follies were articled against
him, the man would seem vicious and miserable.
--Jer. Taylor.

2. To accuse or charge by an exhibition of articles.

He shall be articled against in the high court of
admiralty. --Stat. 33
Geo. III.

3. To bind by articles of covenant or stipulation; as, to
article an apprentice to a mechanic.

  1. I am sure it is radio-active. Imagine my amazement, then, every time I read an article about efforts to re-establish the Thames as a river fit for salmon.
  2. The problem is not simply that Mr. Nair might have worked on the article published May 11 on these pages, something that strikes us as hardly enough to threaten the state security of Singapore.
  3. Those for strict interpretation quote an article by Alexander Hamilton in The Federalist.
  4. Nevertheless, the preliminary conclusions of the Concorde trial seem discouraging. A recent article in the British Medical Journal supports Wellcome's view that changes in protocol make any meaningful analysis difficult.
  5. Recon's Mr. Whyte declined to comment for this article. Israeli officials refuse to comment, except to defend the integrity of their RIS program and to insist that theft isn't the Israeli way.
  6. Project 10, mentioned in your article, is the nation's first mainstream program that addresses the needs of adolescent homosexuals.
  7. Sir, With reference to your article, 'UN aims to redraw border of Iraq and Kuwait' (February 19), to date no final recommendations on the actual boundary have yet been made.
  8. The National Enquirer recently ran an article claiming her condition was worse than the White House has let on and that the first lady was in severe pain at times.
  9. White House officials said Mr. Miller was reproved for assertions cited in the article, especially his suggestion that the administration might favor raising "sin" taxes on items such as cigarettes and alcoholic beverages.
  10. The article says the founder of the Soviet secret police, Felix A. Dzerzhinksy, also justified the use of labor camps.
  11. The paper's article cannot be considered a statement backed by the policy-making Central Committee of the Soviet Communist Party, he said.
  12. Karen Blumenthal contributed to this article.
  13. Her husband's assassin, Mark David Chapman, said he had decided to kill John Lennon in 1980 after reading an article about the former Beatle in a magazine, Ono said.
  14. Despite an enormous amount of rhetoric everywhere these days about our trade problem with Japan, only Mr. McGurn's article touches on what I regard as the real essence of the problem: Japanese agriculture.
  15. The reason most frequently given for the recent increase in multiple birth rates, says the article, "is the increasing tendency for women to delay childbirth until their 30s and later.
  16. Justice Scalia, who declined to be interviewed for this article, does seem to do more exchanging than most of his colleagues.
  17. Ms. Givens, of Los Angeles, alleges that since the article's publication, she has been the target of public ridicule.
  18. Corporate America continues to want the biggest law firm despite the necessity of billing in the fashion represented in the article.
  19. Because of an error by the Associated Press, the percentage figure was misstated in an earlier article about Latin American countries struggling with inflation.
  20. But in a statement accompanying Eysenck's article, senior editor Joshua Fischman warns that researchers have spotted inconsistencies and technical problems in Grossarth-Maticek's studies.
  21. The fact that some abuses may emerge as the new system expands in the marketplace cannot support the type of wholesale condemnation implied in your article.
  22. The two deals will be announced within the next three weeks, as soon as final language of the contract is worked out, the article said.
  23. In an editorial and letter from the reporter, Vittorio Zucconi, La Repubblica charged Friday that Pravda tried to use the article for political rather than journalistic ends.
  24. (News staffers at this paper repeatedly received obscene calls while this article was being prepared.) Moran's brokers vented frustrations by running through the halls stamping their feet and shouting slogans.
  25. Sue Shellenbarger contributed to this article.
  26. Spiegel, in the Feb. 12 article entitled "Fear of Rent Sharks," said a West German homeowner had armed himself with a special spray to fend off his East German tenant's ferocious dog.
  27. The article focuses its conclusions on the purported objections of what amounts to only 3% of the membership of one health club taking part in a nationwide pilot program of Health Club Television.
  28. Goldman's Mr. Rubin and his co-chairman, Stephen Friedman, declined to be interviewed for this article.
  29. His article mocks the party's claim of popular support and uses the colloquial "gensec" as an abbreviation for general secretary, Gorbachev's post in the party.
  30. Also, a recent article criticizing the North Korean economy in the Soviet journal Literaturnaya Gazeta presages the kind of pressure from Moscow that forced recent leadership changes in Hanoi.
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