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 arris gutter 添加此单词到默认生词本


    Arris \Ar"ris\, n. [OF. areste, F. ar[^e]te, fr. L. arista the
    top or beard of an ear of grain, the bone of a fish.] (Arch.)
    The sharp edge or salient angle formed by two surfaces
    meeting each other, whether plane or curved; -- applied
    particularly to the edges in moldings, and to the raised
    edges which separate the flutings in a Doric column. --P.

    {Arris fillet}, a triangular piece of wood used to raise the
    slates of a roof against a chimney or wall, to throw off
    the rain. --Gwilt.

    {Arris gutter}, a gutter of a V form fixed to the eaves of a
    building. --Gwilt.

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