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 arctic ['ɑ:ktik]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 北极的, 极寒的

n. 北极圈, 北极

  1. I have never seen an arctic bear.
  2. We can't stand this arctic weather.
  3. Scientists think that the Arctic is endangered by pollution.

[ noun ]
  1. the regions to the north of the Arctic Circle centered on the North Pole

  2. <noun.location>
  3. a waterproof overshoe that protects shoes from water or snow

  4. <noun.artifact>
[ adj ]
  1. of or relating to the Arctic

  2. <adj.all>
    the Arctic summer
  3. extremely cold

  4. <adj.all>
    an arctic climate
    a frigid day
    gelid waters of the North Atlantic
    glacial winds
    icy hands
    polar weather

Arctic \Arc"tic\, a. [OE. artik, OF. artique, F. arctique, L.
arcticus, fr. Gr. ?, fr. ? a bear, also a northern
constellation so called; akin to L. ursus bear, Skr. ?ksha.]
Pertaining to, or situated under, the northern constellation
called the Bear; northern; frigid; as, the arctic pole,
circle, region, ocean; an arctic expedition, night,

Note: The arctic circle is a lesser circle, parallel to the
equator, 23[deg] 28' from the north pole. This and the
antarctic circle are called the polar circles, and
between these and the poles lie the frigid zones. See

Arctic \Arc"tic\, n.
1. The arctic circle.

2. A warm waterproof overshoe. [U.S.]

  1. The arctic cold front chilling the nation's midsection prompted new buying of livestock and meat futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange in anticipation of weight losses and possibly some livestock deaths.
  2. The leading edge of a cold arctic air mass pushed across eastern Oklahoma and central Texas.
  3. Spawned by the Northern Hemisphere's most productive glacier 25 miles to the south, these mountains of ice break off with a thunderous roar and begin their silent arctic voyage.
  4. Gorbachev, seeking Finnish help in modernizing the Soviet economy, met with industrialists and reviewed Finnish developments in a range of industries from forestry to clothing for seamen on icebreakers or arctic construction workers.
  5. The wind was caused by the flow of air between a high pressure system over Utah and lower pressure along the arctic cold front, the weather service said.
  6. In fact, the Soviet Union is modernizing and has moved forces from Central Europe to its Kola Pennisula bases, near its arctic border with Norway, Ditlev-Simonsen said.
  7. Some of the plans, however, would restrict access and activities not just by commercial recreationalists but by hunters, trappers and others who use the arctic refuge.
  8. Another batch of cold arctic air was pouring into the central part of the nation.
  9. I took my time; in the arctic summer, when the sun never sets, there is plenty of time. In the town of Svolvaer I bought an island guide at a bookshop and asked the attendant what people did through the long dark months of winter when the sun never rises.
  10. The snow was caused by a low pressure system over the southeastern United States, combined with a high-level system over Missouri that pumped arctic air into the Midwest.
  11. The arctic air prevailed over the upper Mississippi Valley and northern Plains Tuesday, but relatively mild temperatures dominated Tuesday afternoon in western portions of the northern and central Plains.
  12. The frigid push of arctic weather may have damaged winter wheat in parts of the central and southern plains, says a government report.
  13. Toe-tingling arctic air lingered over the East today, but a reprieve was in sight from the season's first big chill that contributed to at least three deaths, stalled cars and burst pipes from the Great Lakes to the South.
  14. In the East, the arctic cold front moved through most of the Carolinas, putting an end to 80-degree weather, and afternoon temperatures were below freezing from Virginia into New England.
  15. Faced with thickening ice, plunging temperatures and the imminent departure of two Soviet icebreakers, rescuers late Thursday made a last-ditch effort to free two whales threatened again by the arctic icepack.
  16. The arctic front produced a sharp contrast in temperatures across south-central Texas, from 75 degrees at Brownsville to 48 degrees at Corpus Christi.
  17. Wicked northwest winds whipped snow and arctic air into the north-central states today, spawning subzero temperatures across most of the northern Plains and Upper Mississippi Valley and wind chill indexes of 50 degrees below zero.
  18. North Dakota residents were bundling up as an arctic mass moved in. Early this morning, wind chill temperatures were reported from 20 below zero to 50 below zero.
  19. A Soviet ocean liner with more than 950 people aboard rammed an iceberg in arctic seas and took on water today, but all passengers were evacuated.
  20. Up to 7 feet of snow surprised New Mexico ski area owners Monday and closed roads, while the spread of the arctic cold wave turned highways into dangerous skating rinks with snow and freezing rain from the deep South to the Northeast.
  21. The strongest high pressure system in North American history tightened its frigid grip on Alaska, and that arctic air hit Montana today after high wind blew railroad cars off their tracks and knocked down a grain elevator.
  22. Snow, wind and continued frigid temperatures were expected in the Midwest and Northeast today as arctic high pressure from Canada works its way southeast, and low pressure over the Plains states moves southeast along the Rockies.
  23. Feeble solar radiation during the arctic autumn is no match for the cooling effects of permafrost, ice and snow, said Chuck Evans, manager of the U.S. Weather Service station here.
  24. The C-130s used in the arctic and the Antarctic are ski-equipped as well as wheeled versions of the Hercules aircraft," Dabney said.
  25. It's a reality," said Syd Butler, a vice president for the Wilderness Society, which has been lobbying intensely against opening the arctic refuge for drilling.
  26. About 740 passengers and crew reached the Norwegian arctic outpost at Spitsbergen more than 25 hours after their ordeal began, officials said.
  27. "This is our first real arctic air outbreak of the season," said meteorologist Al Moore of the weather service at Newark, N.J., where it was 15 degrees Monday.
  28. The arrival of winter today brought another punishing blast of arctic air, dropping temperatures well below zero from Wyoming to Michigan, giving shivers to the Deep South and stopping a passenger train in North Dakota.
  29. It's very rickety." Temperatures fell below zero in upstate New York and Michigan early today as an arctic blast ended weeks of unseasonably mild weather in the Northeast.
  30. Snow lingered in southwest Washington and a freeze warning was issued for northwest Washington as arctic air was expected to pour south out of British Columbia.
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