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 archipelago [`ɑrkə'pɛlə`go]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 群岛, 多岛屿的海

  1. We cannot be an extension of China, India, the West, or the Malay archipelago.
  2. You moor yourselves in the small archipelago, where you will begin to be developed.
  3. Co erfield i ists his archipelago also contai the legendary waters that bestow perpetual youth.

[ noun ]
a group of many islands in a large body of water

Archipelago \Ar`chi*pel"a*go\, n.; pl. {-goes} or {-gos}. [It.
arcipelago, properly, chief sea; Gr. pref ? + ? sea, perh.
akin to ? blow, and expressing the beating of the waves. See
1. The Grecian Archipelago, or [AE]gean Sea, separating
Greece from Asia Minor. It is studded with a vast number
of small islands.

2. Hence: Any sea or broad sheet of water interspersed with
many islands or with a group of islands.

  1. About 550,000 residents of the former Portuguese colony of East Timor in the Indonesian archipelago are unlikely to be independent soon.
  2. A political arrangement that would bring this remote Western Pacific archipelago more self-government and nearly $500 million in U.S. aid headed for defeat today at the hands of the voters.
  3. A mercenary who ruled the Comoros Islands until French troops forced him into exile will stay in South Africa until after elections in the Indian Ocean archipelago, the government said Wednesday.
  4. KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) - Britain's Prince Richard, the Duke of Gloucester, arrived at this Southeast Asian archipelago Friday for a six-day visit that will take him from the sultan's house to the field of sports.
  5. The spokesman said two others suffered severe burns and were in serious condition in a hospital on the Spanish archipelago but most of the 26 Spanish workers who lived in the building escaped injury.
  6. There is still an emotional divide between what locals refer to as the 'hippies' and the 'rednecks.' The Haida, who once flourished everywhere in the southern archipelago, now live in reservations outside the main towns on the northern island.
  7. Mainly, estuarine crocs range from southern China and the Malay archipelago to India and Sri Lanka, taking in Australia, New Guinea, the Philippines and the Solomons.
  8. To restore ties with Great Britain severed during the 1982 Falkland Islands war, Menem set aside the thorny issue of sovereignty over the South Atlantic archipelago.
  9. Located at the end of the Indonesian archipelago, this small island was brutally annexed 15 years ago by its giant neighbour, just seven days after winning independence from Portugal.
  10. Skip is the 20th typhoon or tropical storm to hit the archipelago this year.
  11. Most areas in Japan have few radio stations, in part because of a ministry policy that required equal facilities for all parts of the archipelago.
  12. The Philippine National Red Cross and other relief agencies said 103 people were killed on land in the onslaught of the typhoon, which pummeled the entire archipelago nation with heavy rains and winds Monday and Tuesday.
  13. Peter McKibbin, a retired Stornoway businessman and lone voice in favor of Sunday sailings, says the opposition is confined to one segment of the archipelago _ the adjoining islands of Lewis and Harris.
  14. Madeira itself, the main island in the archipelago and a major winter vacation destination, was not immediately threatened by the slick, officials said, but could be endangered if wind directions changed.
  15. Falklanders have mixed feelings about talks on restoring relations between Britain and Argentina, which made their rocky, windswept archipelago a battleground seven years ago.
  16. The Japanese archipelago, in the world's most active seismic zone, is hit each year by some 1,000 tremors strong enough to be felt.
  17. He accused President Corazon Aquino of reneging on self-rule for the 5 million Moslems and said the archipelago's central and southern regions were under the "unlawful and immoral hegemony" of Luzon, the main Philippine island.
  18. There are believed to be oil deposits near the archipelago, about 300 miles south of China's Hainan Island.
  19. Britain has agreed to let Washington use the Turks and Caicos Islands, a British archipelago in the Caribbean, for processing Haitians seeking asylum in the US, writes David Owen in London.
  20. Most of the weapons and equipment with which the Philippine military fights a 19-year-old Communist insurgency come from the United States, the main ally of this Pacific archipelago of 7,100 islands.
  21. Mourners at the funeral for President Lazarus E. Salii were told that dissention and mistrust must be resolved, after the first two presidents of this western Pacific archipelago have died from violent means.
  22. But today's independent government would like to turn it into a museum with beachside bungalows nearby to attract tourists and their money to this barren, 10-island archipelago in the Atlantic off northwest Africa.
  23. Britain retook the disputed archipelago off Argentina's southern coast in June 1982.
  24. Palauans voted in a festive presidential election today less than three months after the western Pacific archipelago's president committed suicide and three years after his predecessor was assassinated.
  25. We have a three-week campaign." The United States will discuss the resumption of aid to Fiji and send an ambassador to the Pacific archipelago in an attempt to encourage the country's return to democratic rule, the State Department said Tuesday.
  26. Far east of everything else in the sprawling Indonesian archipelago lies Irian Jaya.
  27. "It's got a lot of potential." PNB's 197-branch network is the biggest in the country, stretching across the archipelago and giving the bank a near monopoly in some remote rural areas.
  28. The federate states extend across the 1,800-mile-long Caroline Island archipelago and include the states of Pohnpei, Kosrae, Truk and Yap, all formerly part of the U.S. Trust Territory of the Pacific.
  29. But many Filipinos, always suspicious of the country that ruled the archipelago from 1898 until 1946, believed Washington supported the conspirators, then double-crossed them to make Mrs. Aquino beholden to the United States.
  30. India has withdrawn its last contingent of troops from the Maldives a year after they crushed a coup attempt in the Indian Ocean archipelago, news reports said.
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