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 apropos [,æprә'pәu]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 适当的, 恰好的

ad. 适当地, 恰好地

  1. Apropos of what you were just saying....
  2. Apropos our date for lunch, I can't go.
  3. Apropos, I have something to tell you.

[ adj ]
  1. of an appropriate or pertinent nature

  2. <adj.all>
[ adv ]
  1. at an opportune time

  2. <adv.all>
    your letter arrived apropos
  3. introducing a different topic; in point of fact

  4. <adv.all>
    incidentally, I won't go to the party

Apropos \Ap"ro*pos`\ ([a^]p"r[-o]*p[=o]`), a. & adv. [F. [`a]
propos; [`a] (L. ad) + propos purpose, L. proposium plan,
purpose, fr. proponere to propose. See {Propound}.]
1. Opportunely or opportune; seasonably or seasonable.

A tale extremely apropos. --Pope.

2. By the way; to the purpose; suitably to the place or
subject; -- a word used to introduce an incidental
observation, suited to the occasion, though not strictly
belonging to the narration.

  1. Hall excelled in Air (which despite its theme echoes Debussy's 'Poissons d'or' pretty generously), Zolinsky in the spectacular Fire (here 'Feux d'artifice' was more apropos).
  2. Hundreds of people who tried to win bit parts in the film "Everbody Wins" are hoping that the title proves to be apropos.
  3. Nor do the multitudinous echoes of Dante, Joyce and other great writers ever seem less than clever and apropos.
  4. I'd catch a phrase that I thought was apropos; I'd put it on the little recorder." The album is on their new label, Fly Records.
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