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 appraising 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 鉴定,估价,评价

  1. It would be perilous not to point out and correct any "Left" or Right deviations in appraising the situation and in defining our tasks.
  2. Abstract: There should not only be an generllyaccepted and authenticate thorey, but also a uniform and scientific appraising system for different occupations in the society.
  3. By proceeding form product life pan,the paper described target of green product appraising,system construction of green manufacturing and green integrated manufacturing system.

[ adj ]
exercising or involving careful evaluations
looked him over with an appraising eyethe literary judge uses many evaluative terms

Appraise \Ap*praise"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Appraised}; p. pr. &
vb. n. {Appraising}.] [Pref. ad- + praise. See {Praise},
{Price}, {Apprize}, {Appreciate}.]
1. To set a value; to estimate the worth of, particularly by
persons appointed for the purpose; as, to appraise goods
and chattels.

2. To estimate; to conjecture.

Enoch . . . appraised his weight. --Tennyson.

3. To praise; to commend. [Obs.] --R. Browning.

Appraised the Lycian custom. --Tennyson.

Note: In the United States, this word is often pronounced,
and sometimes written, apprize.

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