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 apartment [ә'pɑ:tmәnt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 房间, 公寓

  1. He lives in this apartment building.
  2. They scouted around for some antiques to furnish their new apartment.
  3. Is this your parents' apartment? No, it's my brother's.

[ noun ]
a suite of rooms usually on one floor of an apartment house

Apartment \A*part"ment\, n. [F. appartement; cf. It.
appartamento, fr. appartare to separate, set apart; all fr.
L. ad + pars, partis, part. See {Apart}.]
1. A room in a building; a division in a house, separated
from others by partitions. --Fielding.

2. A set or suite of rooms. --De Quincey.

3. A compartment. [Obs.] --Pope.

4. A room or suite of rooms in a building comprising a
dwelling unit separate from others in the building, and
typically having its own separate bath, sanitary, and
kitchen facilities. Such apartments are in most cases
rented from the owner by those dwelling in them.

{efficiency apartment}, a small apartment[4], sometimes
furnished, with minimal kitchen and bath facilities. The
unit may comprise a single room plus a bathroom, and the
kitchen facilities are often open to the main room, or may
form a small niche in a corner. There are many variations
of efficiency apartment, including some in which
furnishings such as a bed may be pull out from a wall
recess and stored there again when not in use. Also called
an {efficiency}.

  1. The second night of violence also began at an apartment complex, where police were confronted by an estimated 1,000 people.
  2. Miss Brawley was found Nov. 28, seemingly dazed, outside an apartment that had recently been vacated by her family in Wappingers Falls.
  3. On Saturday, dissident sources said police surrounded the apartment building across the street from the government offices of the Russian republic, where the first meeting was held, but did not break it up.
  4. The first lawsuit filed under a new law prohibiting housing discrimination against families with children was filed Tuesday against the owners of a New Jersey apartment complex.
  5. During sentencing Tuesday, Ms. McMurray told District Judge Sam Kiser that Harris and his co-defendant, Ricky Wilson, beat her, tied her to a chair and ransacked her apartment.
  6. She had been cared for at her apartment in neighboring Hamden by a Connecticut Hospice nurse, who looked in on her twice a week, an outside nurse and a privately hired, live-in aide who took care of her around-the-clock.
  7. Five heavily armed men were arrested in a surprise raid last week at a downtown Bogota apartment.
  8. The 11-pound, full-term baby was less than five hours old when it was found dead in a plastic bag outside an apartment complex Wednesday.
  9. "I brought my family here after the riots because we couldn't live there anymore," Arzumanyan said, standing amid the ruined apartment he moved into only a month ago.
  10. In Savannah, he shakes Ms. Atiba's hand in the doorway of her Frazier Homes housing project apartment and asks the mother of four to vote for the Massachusetts governor.
  11. The experience of both writing at the same time turned out quite well, Carpenter said during a recent interview at the couple's Fifth Avenue apartment, a well-lighted, book-filled home.
  12. They have lived in a shed at the Tel Aviv suburb of Petah Tikva and once broke into a government apartment but were removed by police.
  13. He's a loner and a romantic and a little messy, but he's also a yuppie who lives in a really nice apartment furnished with carefully selected antiques, with an emphasis on the mission style. Mike is cute, round-faced and thoroughly American.
  14. So Lafeyette slithers along the cinder-block walls into his apartment.
  15. The license number was traced to a car owned by Biddings, who was arrested after police searched his apartment.
  16. Proctor first started shooting at a woman in a first floor apartment, and police believe the gun misfired, allowing the woman time to run into the bathroom.
  17. "We even have a list of apartment buildings where we're not welcome," says James Shau, manager of the Empire Szechuan Columbus on Columbus Avenue.
  18. Ownership appears related to living in a house rather than an apartment.
  19. While her husband was flying Navy planes during World War II, Bonnie Sparks bought a handicraft kit for a leather purse to help pass lonely hours in their New York City apartment.
  20. Syrian troops and Lebanese riot policemen sealed the area around seven-story apartment building.
  21. A short time later, he and his wife moved into a hospital apartment near the speech clinic where he gets therapy twice a day.
  22. Mr. Saunders described his home there as "a studio apartment in an unfashionable village" near Lausanne, where he had worked for Nestle S.A. before joining Guinness.
  23. After the children were safe, police pounded on Lashbrook's apartment door and woke her up, police said.
  24. A steerer takes a buyer to an apartment, where the dealer accepts the buyer's money and pushes the drugs through an opening in the apartment door.
  25. A steerer takes a buyer to an apartment, where the dealer accepts the buyer's money and pushes the drugs through an opening in the apartment door.
  26. Chinese authorities claimed someone had fired on the troops marching along Changan Avenue from a foreigner's apartment in the compound next to mine.
  27. The Haddads fled from their home in the Ashrafiyeh neighborhood near the Green Line because their apartment block had no bomb shelter.
  28. Mamo, 54, lives in a small government-supplied apartment with his wife and four of his chidren.
  29. Local HUD officials agreed to insure a $41 million mortgage for an apartment building on the fashionable East Side of Manhattan even though it was already under construction, New York Newsday reported.
  30. Panamanian boxing champion Roberto Duran said Friday he hopes the use of his luxurious apartment by U.S. troops will count toward the community service he has been sentenced to in a Florida court for driving while intoxicated.
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