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 antidote ['æntɪ`dot]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 解毒剂, 解毒药

[化] 解毒药

[医] 解毒剂

  1. Do you have any antidote for a snakebite?
  2. An antidote against poison, especially a confection formerly held to be an antidote to all poisons.
  3. A medicinal compound formerly used as an antidote for poison.

[ noun ]
a remedy that stops or controls the effects of a poison

Antidote \An"ti*dote\ ([a^]n"t[i^]*d[=o]t), n. [L. antidotum,
Gr. 'anti`doton (sc. fa`rmakon), fr. 'anti`dotos given
against; 'anti` against + dido`nai to give: cf. F. antidote.
See {Dose}, n.]
1. A remedy to counteract the effects of poison, or of
anything noxious taken into the stomach; -- used with
against, for, or to; as, an antidote against, for, or to,

2. Whatever tends to prevent mischievous effects, or to
counteract evil which something else might produce.

Antidote \An"ti*dote\, v. t.
1. To counteract or prevent the effects of, by giving or
taking an antidote.

Nor could Alexander himself . . . antidote . . . the
poisonous draught, when it had once got into his
veins. --South.

2. To fortify or preserve by an antidote.

  1. After the antidote was developed last week, however, work to save the paintings was scheduled before and after tourist hours.
  2. Alberto-Culver Co., which is making a hostile tender offer for Lamaur Inc., said it will ask Lamaur shareholders to provide an antidote for Lamaur's "poison pill."
  3. He was an interesting choice as antidote to Mrs Thatcher.
  4. I thought it was a good antidote to the hardship and sadness of (`Gorillas in the Mist')." Geena Davis is a new girl in town.
  5. Carmen Allegra of the NIH's National Cancer Institute, a lead author of the study published in this week's New England Journal of Medicine, said the key to the treatment was trimetrexate's combination with the vitamin leucovorin as an antidote.
  6. This was the precise antidote to Solti's inert performance of the Fifth with the Vienna Philharmonic in the same hall earlier this year, and as disturbing as any imaginable account could be.
  7. But there is an antidote to art-world pretension and high prices: conceptual artist Ona Lindquist's "Objets Vend'art" machines.
  8. Local veterinarian Geraint Griffiths said the problem was that it was impossible to get Hilda into the new trailer quickly and give her an early antidote to the sedative because of her sheer weight.
  9. "The victims can only be helped by exact information about the formula of the chemical substance and its antidote, which are still unknown to Tbilisi doctors," the weekly said in its latest editions.
  10. However, part of the Maastricht rationale - along with the desire to fit larger Germany into a new European framework - was to present unity in western Europe as an antidote to instability in the east.
  11. "With a nerve agent, if you survive, you can return to duty within a week," he said. "It either kills you or you recover." One way to modify or even completely block the nerve gas effect is with a chemical antidote.
  12. The article's prescription is for political insight as an antidote to boldness and creativity.
  13. She suggested the sapphire, a blue gemstone, as an antidote.
  14. Israelies are stocking up on emergency supplies including baking soda _ an antidote to chemical weapons _ while government broadcasts urge citizens to prepare for a possible Iraqi chemical attack.
  15. The antidote is atropine, a common drug with a variety of medical uses, said Mickey Morales of the Army's Chemical Warfare Office at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Md.
  16. Are commodities an appropriate antidote to the malaise in bond markets? While fixed income prices have sagged for much of this year, many commodities - in particular base metals such as aluminium and copper - have surged.
  17. But when paramedic Bill Jones rescued him by injecting an antidote, he got no thanks for his trouble.
  18. It's "more poison than antidote for the struggling rural sector," said the National Farmers Union, which is urging rejection.
  19. The wizard, who rode to the rescue from his home in Pennsylvania on $1,000 raised by friends, said the city's latest antidote "was the final nail in the coffin.
  20. The investors' antidote may have arrived: Japanese bank stocks.
  21. For those to whom a heavy diet of Wagner's "Ring Cycle" is poison, the Metropolitan Opera has an antidote that's easy to swallow _ an "Elixir of Love" with superstars Luciano Pavarotti and Kathleen Battle.
  22. "I have always liked the company of artists," he says, adding that he finds them an antidote to his economic work.
  23. Eight years ago, Ronald Reagan pushed a balanced budget amendment as an antidote to his own administration's budget, which forecast a record deficit.
  24. The antidote to all this preliterate gurgling was "The Good Father."
  25. They are equipped with air filters, antidote injectors and decontamination powder.
  26. And those who allow that Mr. Pazos was a necessary antidote to the populists, say he continues criticizing Mexico's current reformist government because he doesn't know how to do anything else.
  27. At 61, he is a standard bearer for long-term investing, the perfect antidote to the get-rich-quick schemers of Wall Street.
  28. Currently, the drug NAC is used in the U.S. as an antidote for overdoses of acetominophen, or Tylenol.
  29. Mitchell said the vote amounted to a major blow to the program. Then-President Reagan proposed Star Wars six years ago, hailing it as a nuclear-age antidote to a strike against the United States.
  30. In other developments: _An Israeli civil defense official Thursday urged citizens to stock up on food, tape their windows shut and mix a homemade antidote to defend against a possible Iraqi chemical attack.
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