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 analogue ['ænәlɒg]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 类似物, 相似情况

[医] 类似物, 同型物, 相似器官, 同功异质体

  1. A vegetarian gets protein not from meat but from its analogues.
  2. A slide-rule is a simple analogue computer.
  3. An analogue meter moves a needle along a scale.

[ noun ]
  1. something having the property of being analogous to something else

  2. <noun.attribute>
[ adj ]
  1. of a circuit or device having an output that is proportional to the input

  2. <adj.all>
    analogue device
    linear amplifier

Analogue \An"a*logue\ (?; 115), n. [F. ?, fr. Gr. ?.]
1. That which is analogous to, or corresponds with, some
other thing.

The vexatious tyranny of the individual despot meets
its analogue in the insolent tyranny of the many.
--I. Taylor.

2. (Philol.) A word in one language corresponding with one in
another; an analogous term; as, the Latin ``pater'' is the
analogue of the English ``father.''

3. (Nat. Hist.)
(a) An organ which is equivalent in its functions to a
different organ in another species or group, or even
in the same group; as, the gill of a fish is the
analogue of a lung in a quadruped, although the two
are not of like structural relations.
(b) A species in one genus or group having its characters
parallel, one by one, with those of another group.
(c) A species or genus in one country closely related to a
species of the same genus, or a genus of the same
group, in another: such species are often called
representative species, and such genera,
representative genera. --Dana.

  1. 'If we could convert only 10 per cent of the analogue cordless phone buyers to CT-2 it would be a nice business, and I don't think that is so ambitious a target,' Mr Wright says.
  2. As a result, DCC players have been designed to play the old analogue cassettes as well as the new digital ones. Sony takes a very different view of the development of the portable audio electronics market.
  3. That leaves analogue operators, including those constructing GSM networks, with investments to recoup and capacity to fill.
  4. It will be a huge satellite, capable of transmitting 16 channels of television using existing analogue technology plus two transponders set aside for experimenting with digital television.
  5. The spaces are 'no go' areas for further analogue signals as these would interfere with those already there. A third option would be to adopt the same system as the US.
  6. It could be two or three years before GSM can be marketed as a pan-European service. Initially, GSM handsets are expected to be more bulky and more expensive in most markets than their analogue equivalents.
  7. 'Global standards are always the best solution.' EC taxpayers have invested at least Ecu625m (Pounds 516m) in research and development of analogue HDTV since 1986.
  8. First, the reproduction of information coded in bits is more accurate than analogue transmission.
  9. He also invented an ultra-high frequency analogue switch which turns lights on and off when people enter or leave a room, and an infra-red automatic alarm used in the prison.
  10. MOST people see the word 'digital' and assume it represents an improvement over an existing analogue technology.
  11. The company also has stakes in existing analogue mobile concessions in Hungary and the Czech and Slovak Republics. In Poland, Ameritech of the US, France Telecom and local partners have invested Dollars 120m in their Centertel joint venture.
  12. This, in turn, will provide Australia with access to the proposed Asia-Pacific Cable Network. The aim is for this link eventually to replace the existing Australia/Indonesia/Singapore analogue coaxial cable, which was commissioned about eight years ago.
  13. 'We feel we'll be much more efficiently equipped then.' So far, the Scandinavian NMT 450 analogue system has made the greatest impact on eastern Europe's embryonic mobile markets.
  14. This is not because registration charges or monthly subscription charges are particularly high; a Vodafone or Cellnet GSM user pays about the same for UK calls and for registration and subscription as a business customer of its analogue services.
  15. Transmitting data reliably over an analogue cellular system is considerably more difficult than over the public switched telephone network. Nevertheless, research shows that many customers require a combination of voice and data communications.
  16. PCN networks are also able to handle more traffic than can the analogue systems. Pan-European coverage.
  17. Ericsson, the Swedish telecommunications company, said it had won orders worth SKr705m (Pounds 59m) to supply Telecom Australia with analogue and GSM digital mobile equipment, Reuter reports from Stockholm.
  18. Although Cellnet's service is officially launched this month, it has been available for some time to customers who request it. The two GSM services are separate from the analogue services offered by Vodafone and Cellnet.
  19. The US government has decided to skip the analogue phase altogether.
  20. As a result, relatively few business customers use cellular telephone systems to transmit data. For analogue cellular customers who require data communications, one solution is to to use a cellular modem.
  21. The MiniDisc is also in a protective case for easier portability. The benefit of DCC is that it will also play conventional analogue cassettes, as well as the new digital ones.
  22. Ms Sandra Richards, cellular phones marketing manager at NEC of Japan's UK subsidiary, expects this to happen by the end of the year. Call charges and monthly charges for UK analogue business services have fallen in real terms, according to Mr Barwick.
  23. Digital signals also use only one thousandth of the power of their analogue counterparts. Everyone acknowledges that eventually everybody will go digital - the only question is when.
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