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 also ['ɔlso]   添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 也, 并且, 同样地

  1. Tom has been to Japan, I have also been there.
  2. London was also called the modern Babylon.
  3. We should also take account of difficulties.

[ adv ]
in addition
he has a Mercedes, too

Also \Al"so\, adv. & conj. [All + so. OE. al so, AS. ealsw[=a],
alsw?, [ae]lsw[ae]; eal, al, [ae]l, all + sw[=a] so. See
{All}, {So}, {As}.]
1. In like manner; likewise. [Obs.]

2. In addition; besides; as well; further; too.

Lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven . . . for
where your treasure is, there will your heart be
also. --Matt. vi.

3. Even as; as; so. [Obs.] --Chaucer.

Syn: {Also}, {Likewise}, {Too}.

Usage: These words are used by way of transition, in leaving
one thought and passing to another. Also is the widest
term. It denotes that what follows is all so, or
entirely like that which preceded, or may be affirmed
with the same truth; as, ``If you were there, I was
there also;'' ``If our situation has some discomforts,
it has also many sources of enjoyment.'' Too is simply
less formal and pointed than also; it marks the
transition with a lighter touch; as, ``I was there
too;'' ``a courtier yet a patriot too.'' --Pope.
Likewise denotes literally ``in like manner,'' and
hence has been thought by some to be more specific
than also. ``It implies,'' says Whately, ``some
connection or agreement between the words it unites.
We may say, ` He is a poet, and likewise a musician; '
but we should not say, ` He is a prince, and likewise
a musician,' because there is no natural connection
between these qualities.'' This distinction, however,
is often disregarded.

  1. While the results of Gulf States' campaign remain to be seen, it is also arousing the company's easily aroused critics.
  2. The sterling value of overseas equities and bonds was also greatly increased. So, it all worked out well in the end, but, nevertheless, the fundamentals of UK equity market valuation are stretched.
  3. He also said he did not know why the decision was made.
  4. A vaccine would be proven, he said, only when it is shown to give protection against the effects of these substances also.
  5. Chrysler's sales also have taken a dive.
  6. He may also face at least several months more for a 1981 probation violation, officials said.
  7. Williams also disclosed that the Pentagon's No. 2 procurement officer, Donald Yockey, and the Navy's assistant secretary for procurement, Gerald Cann, met with unidentified representatives of McDonnell Douglas and General Dynamics today.
  8. 'And you also wonder whether there really are that many opportunities out there in the first place.' THERE is no better measure of Saudi Arabia's business buoyancy than its stock market.
  9. The space institute's 1,500 researchers chose by popular vote its new director, Albert Galeev, 48, also a physicist who was a student of Sagdeev at Novosibirsk University.
  10. This is where McIlveen also makes sure of legality, environmental considerations and the lender's potential liabilities. 'We like lending to things that are already under way,' he says.
  11. They also said they preferred diplomatic, rather than military, efforts to resolve the crisis.
  12. Officials said they also are planning deeper than expected cuts in government spending next year, in an effort to curtail the expected inflationary effects of higher oil prices.
  13. Later attempts by two helicopters to reach the glacier were also unsuccessful, Ehret said.
  14. We would like to do more, but it would be wrong to rely on government funding alone. The industry, which stands to reap the direct financial benefits, must also play an active role.
  15. This domestic morass also has become linked to the beginnings of a foreign-policy problem.
  16. Disney, 45, also served as Sunday editor at the Daily News before becoming editor-in-chief of Self and US magazines.
  17. There also were reports of a government plan to introduce subsidies to encourage Japanese to buy imported cars.
  18. The Los Angeles Times, also citing an anonymous source, reported that the Philippine government asked that American planes bomb rebel-held air bases, fuel dumps and a seaborne freighter.
  19. But this news also sparked fresh hopes that inflation will remain in check, triggering a rally in Treasury bonds and pushing short-term interest rates down slightly.
  20. An 11 percent decline in domestic demand and a 17 percent drop in the British market also contributed to the lower profits, the report said.
  21. Standard could also staying away from securities and concentrate on safer businesses like trade finance at which it excels.
  22. He also accused his old friend and former Parliament speaker Anatoly Lukyanov of betraying him during the attempted coup.
  23. The House also approved two of five proposed amendments.
  24. He also ruled that retirees would retain any contractual rights even if the bankruptcy case were dropped or dismissed.
  25. If Bellamy had only known, his hero would have been mystified not only by organ music but also by cavernous echoes that seemed to issue from 100 yards behind his sofa.
  26. The company also said it would begin listing nutritional values on its packages.
  27. Cache also said all of its board members resigned.
  28. Mr. Main also said it is unlikely Nintendo would consider acquiring a major U.S. toy company.
  29. Although economic growth is most crucial for the black majority, in the long run the white minority's own freedoms also depend on South Africa's economic survival.
  30. In June, the two leaders also are expected to sign protocols designed to ease Senate ratification of two minor treaties from the 1970s limiting underground nuclear tests.
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