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 agreeable [ә'griәbl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 令人愉快的, 同意的

[医] 佳适的

  1. Are you agreeable to the proposal?
  2. She has an agreeable voice.
  3. He is an agreeable fellow, but likes to blow his own horn.

[ adj ]
  1. conforming to your own liking or feelings or nature

  2. <adj.all>
    Is the plan agreeable to you?
    he's an agreeable fellow
    My idea of an agreeable person...is a person who agrees with me
    an agreeable manner
  3. in keeping

  4. <adj.all>
    salaries agreeable with current trends
    plans conformable with your wishes
    expressed views concordant with his background
  5. prepared to agree or consent

  6. <adj.all>
    agreeable to the plan

Agreeable \A*gree"a*ble\, a. [F. agr['e]able.]
1. Pleasing, either to the mind or senses; pleasant;
grateful; as, agreeable manners or remarks; an agreeable
person; fruit agreeable to the taste.

A train of agreeable reveries. --Goldsmith.

2. Willing; ready to agree or consent. [Colloq.]

These Frenchmen give unto the said captain of Calais
a great sum of money, so that he will be but content
and agreeable that they may enter into the said
town. --Latimer.

3. Agreeing or suitable; conformable; correspondent;
concordant; adapted; -- followed by to, rarely by with.

That which is agreeable to the nature of one thing,
is many times contrary to the nature of another.

4. In pursuance, conformity, or accordance; -- in this sense
used adverbially for agreeably; as, agreeable to the order
of the day, the House took up the report.

Syn: Pleasing; pleasant; welcome; charming; acceptable;
amiable. See {Pleasant}.

  1. The U.S., though, is agreeable to eliminating all export controls on certain cellular communications systems and satellite ground stations, the White House said.
  2. Simply put, undue confidence and complacency can be subtly but consequentially supported by the agreeable notion of corporate culture.
  3. In addition, the close relationship between the two companies means it is unlikely that De La Rue will launch a hostile bid. The conclusion is that De La Rue will have to pay a premium price to achieve a mutually agreeable offer.
  4. But you couldn't want more agreeable teachers. Absolutely right for those fascinated by the musico-dramatic byways in Paris from the mid-1890s to the mid-1920s is 'Les Inspirations insolites d'Erik Satie' (French EMI, CZS 7 62877 2, 2 CDs).
  5. But yesterday, a spokesman said the company will continue to bid as long as the GSA chose a way of splitting the contract that is "agreeable and attractive" to Martin Marietta.
  6. Worcester, clasped between the Malverns and the Vale of Evesham, is an agreeable place to spend a few days.
  7. The issue was excluded from a treaty on merging the German economies to buy time for reaching a mutually agreeable solution.
  8. Standard Life's decision to withdraw its support amounts to a calculated gamble that government can be forced to reconsider legislation and that the resulting statutory system of regulation will be more agreeable than the PIA.
  9. Fred has an agreeable frankness when it comes to Bourbon.
  10. It's more agreeable and I earn more money.
  11. In general, the more complex a product's composition, the more difficulties I encountered in forging an agreeable price for buyer and seller.
  12. "We plan to continue to talk with the state to achieve a mutually agreeable resolution," he said.
  13. Toyota's Camry luxury estate car was developed and is being produced in the US from which - like Honda's agreeable Accord estate - it is exported to Britain.
  14. This law of contorts overrules our most important economic freedom, the freedom to make advance commitments and to arrange deals on terms mutually agreeable.
  15. A lawyer for Mr. Knapp said that the two sides were trying to work out a mutually agreeable financial settlement.
  16. He preferred that a private carrier agreeable to both sides bring in the goods.
  17. Ciaccia suggested Monday that members of the Quebec Human Rights Commission, or other Quebec or Canadian institutions agreeable to both sides be allowed to observe the talks.
  18. Michael Smith, a Javelin director, said that Mr. Hamilton's departure represents "a mutually agreeable separation."
  19. Both candidates have advocated big science projects, such as the space station, to win support on the campaign trail and give their campaigns an agreeable high-tech flavor.
  20. The agreement sets out a four-step grievance procedure for settling disputes, including outside mediators if agreeable to both sides.
  21. "I have a very agreeable job," he says with a smile.
  22. He said that the Boland amendment "is agreeable to the executive branch.
  23. Democratic and GOP senators planned to meet again today in their search for a package of anti-drug measures agreeable to lawmakers of both parties.
  24. A spokesman said analysts' estimates of per-share earnings for 1987 of $1 to $1.05 "are agreeable to us."
  25. A fight turns as quickly into a joke, a clown with a pig-tail strums a lantern-lit love-song on a pianola. Musically, I found my first zarzuela an agreeable hotch-potch.
  26. Tel:081-748-999. Forte Hotels: 0345-404-040. A famously agreeable hotel is Reid's Hotel, Madeira.
  27. Mr. Yeoman said the restructuring was a "mutually agreeable" strategy and that some action was needed before the initial standstill agreement expired.
  28. In an interview, Pazner said Shamir was agreeable to talks being launched by the United States and Soviet Union.
  29. The company declined to comment in detail, except to say that "we are confident a mutually agreeable resolution can be reached between Hutton and the secretary of state's office."
  30. Perhaps because it offers an agreeable way of life, it is not a dynamic city - the only sense of urgency is at 5pm when people start heading for home.
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