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 aesthetic [ɛs'θɛtɪk]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 美学的, 审美的, 有美感的

  1. The aesthetic feel or tactile quality of something, such as a fabric, textile, or carpeting, that indicates its fineness, texture, and durability.
  2. Awareness or delicate perception, especially of aesthetic qualities or values.
  3. The play was an aesthetic success.

[ noun ]
  1. (philosophy) a philosophical theory as to what is beautiful

  2. <noun.cognition>
    he despised the esthetic of minimalism
[ adj ]
  1. relating to or dealing with the subject of aesthetics

  2. <adj.pert>
    aesthetic values
  3. concerning or characterized by an appreciation of beauty or good taste

  4. <adj.all>
    the aesthetic faculties
    an aesthetic person
    aesthetic feeling
    the illustrations made the book an aesthetic success
  5. aesthetically pleasing

  6. <adj.all>
    an artistic flower arrangement

AEsthetic \[AE]s*thet"ic\, AEsthetical \[AE]s*thet"ic*al\, a.
Of or Pertaining to [ae]sthetics; versed in [ae]sthetics; as,
[ae]sthetic studies, emotions, ideas, persons, etc.
-- {[AE]s*thet"ic*al*ly}, adv.

  1. Former U.S. Sen. Paul Tsongas, a Cape Cod summer resident, said the problems on Cape Cod are as much aesthetic as environmental.
  2. Yet, as knives, their aesthetic qualities are nil, even for those with only a few extra functions.
  3. But what supposedly sets this painting pachyderm apart is aesthetic intelligence, her evident use of color to re-create what she sees.
  4. According to Mayor Saverio Valente, the law was necessary "for reasons not only aesthetic, but hygienic." On the island of Ponza, about 65 miles to the north in the Tyrrhenian Sea, bathers are also barred from strolling the streets in swimsuits.
  5. Suppose I design something so it is easy to assemble, but what have I done to the aesthetic appearance, what have I done to the salability, what have I done to the cost of raw materials that go into it?
  6. What the company needs is a "Swan Lake" that will express a specifically American set of aesthetic ideals.
  7. They found ignorance of aesthetic principles and an inability to convey any sense of welcome and reassurance.
  8. I read for news, for driblets of knowledge, for aesthetic pleasure, and at the same time I am planning the future."
  9. Truth and beauty and excellence are regarded as irrelevant; questions of intellectual aesthetic quality, dismissed." The report says Western tradition is rich and creative, but many colleges are abandoning courses that teach it.
  10. "Copyright law doesn't make aesthetic judgments," said Paul Goldstein, a copyright expert at Stanford University Law School.
  11. Many of the quality standards we are meeting are purely aesthetic - smell, colour, taste.' Water companies have pledged to spend Pounds 28bn during the 1990s to meet EC standards.
  12. "He put aesthetic values ahead of questions of permanence.
  13. Architecture disappeared. Artistic life is no longer: it's all fraud.' The obvious riposte, I said, is that you are an old man who won't accept modern aesthetic values. Chaudhuri was angry.
  14. The aesthetic allure of Trachte's architectural treasures: barrel-vaulted, or rounded, roofs and circle vents above the entrance doors.
  15. On the basis of this book, one would have to conclude that the whole realm of aesthetic experience is simply closed to its author's sensibility.
  16. It is a line that many Beltway Cassandras say may divide lawmakers in "the smut and obscenity vote of the year," a line running through an exceptionally tricky political quagmire, in which the basic aesthetic issues tend to sink below the surface.
  17. For aesthetic and investment reasons, I am an avid collector of all sorts of things including paintings, sculptures and interesting items.
  18. Guilt and shame over the humanities' failure to take proper cognizance of women, minorities and the disenfranchised has created an animus toward traditional aesthetic and historical surveys.
  19. Neon Rice would appeal to a Laotian but we have to see it as an individual experience, appreciating not just from cultural point of view, not just an aesthetic one.
  20. Despite its aesthetic successes, the project has had serious financial problems.
  21. I found, though, a lack of aesthetic purpose which a single choreographic decision should impose.
  22. In an aesthetic of perfection, form is everything and content vanishes, the better to exploit global markets.
  23. By 1960 there had developed that curious aesthetic and moral arrogance which is perhaps America's truer contribution in the history of art.
  24. How little does the imagination and aesthetic sensibility need to feed on?
  25. Mr. Grossman's novel is not only located on a higher aesthetic level; it presents a much more searching analysis of the Soviet experience.
  26. Says Ken, who married her less than a year after getting hooked on their aesthetic correspondence, "We'll finish each other's sentences, or anticipate each other's thoughts.
  27. The more than 450 objects, the majority collected on the museum's own Lang-Chapin expedition at the turn of the century and never before exhibited, would command interest on aesthetic grounds alone.
  28. So eager, one suspects, were many reviewers to help install a fictionist of this description on an upper tier of American letters that they were more than willing to overlook a few major aesthetic infelicities.
  29. He cited chain link fences as another aesthetic problem troubling this elite suburb of New York City.
  30. 'I have lived half of my adult life in Italy and you cannot live there without it affecting your aesthetic sense profoundly.
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