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 additional [ə'diʃənl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 附加的, 另外的, 额外的

[机] 加添的, 附加的

  1. He had to pay some additional charges.
  2. You should know the additional responsibilities that are incidental to the job.
  3. Additional material is overprinted in red.

[ adj ]
further or added
called for additional troopsneed extra help
an extra pair of shoes

Additional \Ad*di"tion*al\, a.
Added; supplemental; in the way of an addition.

Additional \Ad*di"tion*al\, n.
Something added. [R.] --Bacon.

  1. One ad, no longer used by PCA, talked of $15,000 to $30,000 "with no additional work." Much of the advertising has cooled, partly in response to criticism.
  2. Yesterday, MCorp said it had received "an additional proposal" from "a purchaser unrelated to the parties involved in the letter of intent."
  3. Western relief sources, who confirmed the report, said the move would cause additional problems in international efforts to avert mass starvation.
  4. The company didn't say how much extra production there would be but dealers estimated that it would amount to an additional 150,000 ounces, which would bring the company's annual output to 1.4 million ounces.
  5. Also, the reforms allow the Big Board to halt trading for one hour if the Dow Jones Industrial Average falls 250 points, and for two more hours if the Dow slides an additional 150 points on the same day.
  6. Certainly, some additional regulation of the markets is likely to emerge from the events of October.
  7. Lawyers also say Mr. Milken's attorneys could ask Judge Wood to reopen a presentencing hearing held last fall to allow the government to present additional allegations against Mr. Milken for consideration by the judge in determining his sentence.
  8. But Dr Tim Jackson of the Stockholm Environment Unit showed us slides depicting savings made by various energy-efficiency strategies, such as switching fuels (greatest saving) to advanced coal technology (additional cost).
  9. And because costs in the dump business are mostly fixed, additional volume after a certain level is almost entirely profit.
  10. There could be additional arrests, authorities said.
  11. The disk-drive maker said the new financing replaces a $35 million credit line with BankAmerica Corp.'s Bank of America unit and will be used for additional working capital.
  12. Two years ago, I arranged to make additional voluntary contributions (AVCs) to my employer's pension scheme.
  13. Target's operating profit was down because of increased discounting and additional expenses for a new distribution facility in Tifton, Ga., and new customer service programs, the company said.
  14. Congressional tax writers estimated that the change will raise $60 million in additional taxes in the next five years.
  15. An additional $1 million was funneled to FDN accounts through a Cayman Islands corporation Mr. Calero said was controlled by conservative publicist Richard Miller, a close ally of fund-raiser Carl "Spitz" Channell.
  16. "They would welcome additional capital."
  17. Most public offerings are sold for 30 to 90 days before the funds start trading futures; after that, they are closed to additional investment.
  18. On March 23, Burnley said that FAA is often reluctant to write regulations that would impose additional costs on the nation's aviation industry.
  19. The Legislature last December approved an additional $35 million for the program.
  20. "The picture is one we're constantly evaluating, and if we find we're falling short within an area we know we can do better, we're going to be seeking those additional funds," he said.
  21. Instead, Boskin has proposed creating a two-tiered pension system and additional incentives for more private savings for retirement.
  22. The initial margin on futures trading on the Simex was raised from Y1m to Y1.25m, while additional margin was raised from Y800,000 to Y1m. Activity centred on speculative issues.
  23. Consideration of additional steps to aid Poland has been prompted by two developments, the official said.
  24. A Generali spokesman said it hadn't any hostile intentions against Midi, but that it would have the financial "capacity" to buy an additional stake.
  25. 'They did not expect to be required to make substantial additional payments to British Coal as a condition for exercising their petroleum licences.' The operators are lobbying the DTI hard to resolve the uncertainties and encourage methane production.
  26. Mr. Peterson said the decision could have a far-reaching effect on the state because it will place an additional burden on Medicaid officials to prove that hospitals aren't operating efficiently and economically.
  27. RJR pay-in-kind bonds pay interest in the form of additional bonds instead of cash.
  28. Williams said all the companies are requiring excessive overtime rather than hiring additional employees, which increases pension and benefit expenses.
  29. The oil concern agreed to increase its contribution to the hospital and medical insurance as much as an additional $10 a month per employee the first year and as much as an additional $12 a month per employee in the second year.
  30. The oil concern agreed to increase its contribution to the hospital and medical insurance as much as an additional $10 a month per employee the first year and as much as an additional $12 a month per employee in the second year.
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