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 absorbing [əb'sɔ:biŋ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 吸引人的, 非常有趣的

[机] 吸收的

  1. This new novel is an absorbing family saga.
  2. We are still absorbing the lessons of this disaster.
  3. The novel was so absorbing that she read on without a break even forgetting food and sleep.

[ adj ]
capable of arousing and holding the attention
a fascinating story

Absorb \Ab*sorb"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Absorbed}; p. pr. & vb.
n. {Absorbing}.] [L. absorbere; ab + sorbere to suck in, akin
to Gr. ?: cf. F. absorber.]
1. To swallow up; to engulf; to overwhelm; to cause to
disappear as if by swallowing up; to use up; to include.
``Dark oblivion soon absorbs them all.'' --Cowper.

The large cities absorb the wealth and fashion. --W.

2. To suck up; to drink in; to imbibe; as a sponge or as the
lacteals of the body. --Bacon.

3. To engross or engage wholly; to occupy fully; as, absorbed
in study or the pursuit of wealth.

4. To take up by cohesive, chemical, or any molecular action,
as when charcoal absorbs gases. So heat, light, and
electricity are absorbed or taken up in the substances
into which they pass. --Nichol.

Syn: To {Absorb}, {Engross}, {Swallow up}, {Engulf}.

Usage: These words agree in one general idea, that of
completely taking up. They are chiefly used in a
figurative sense and may be distinguished by a
reference to their etymology. We speak of a person as
absorbed (lit., drawn in, swallowed up) in study or
some other employment of the highest interest. We
speak of a person as ebgrossed (lit., seized upon in
the gross, or wholly) by something which occupies his
whole time and thoughts, as the acquisition of wealth,
or the attainment of honor. We speak of a person
(under a stronger image) as swallowed up and lost in
that which completely occupies his thoughts and
feelings, as in grief at the death of a friend, or in
the multiplied cares of life. We speak of a person as
engulfed in that which (like a gulf) takes in all his
hopes and interests; as, engulfed in misery, ruin,

That grave question which had begun to absorb
the Christian mind -- the marriage of the
clergy. --Milman.

Too long hath love engrossed Britannia's stage,
And sunk to softness all our tragic rage.

Should not the sad occasion swallow up
My other cares? --Addison.

And in destruction's river
Engulf and swallow those. --Sir P.

Absorbing \Ab*sorb"ing\, a.
Swallowing, engrossing; as, an absorbing pursuit. --
{Ab*sorb"ing}, adv.

Absorbing \Ab*sorb"ing\, a.
Swallowing, engrossing; as, an absorbing pursuit. --
{Ab*sorb"ing}, adv.

  1. Worried officials said absorbing the newcomers probably will be hampered by the nearly 50 percent cutback in federal refugee assistance funding since 1984.
  2. Lawyers around the country still were absorbing the impact of Wednesday's ruling on the death penalty for young offenders.
  3. Jones' repairs have withstood eight hurricanes, absorbing the force of tidal surges that otherwise would have hit coastal communities unchecked.
  4. A low pressure system over the Ohio Valley was absorbing Atlantic moisture, bringing snow from New York City to Philadelphia and Washington, D.C., Friday afternoon.
  5. The chapters mingle brief biographical sketches, statistical summaries, selective quotation, and absorbing, occasionally amusing and sometimes provoking vignettes of business and technical genius at work.
  6. And smokers should avoid alcohol - it lowers their resistance. Develop hobbies that are totally absorbing, different from your job, fun and satisfying.
  7. And, as in most of the Third World, lenders miscalculated their customers' capacity for absorbing the shower of money.
  8. Joel H. Salus, chairman and chief executive officer, said the process of absorbing the acquired businesses came during Rowley-Scher's "worst season" of the year.
  9. Indeed, about the only thing Pyongyang and Seoul agree on is that Germany isn't a model for their reunification; Pyongyang doesn't want to be absorbed and Seoul doesn't want to bear the costs of absorbing the North.
  10. My mind isn't absorbing these things." She spoke from the Family Life Center, a private women's shelter where she has lived and worked as a cook.
  11. Miro's apparent enthusiasm for things big and small, and his restlessly inventive imagination, evident from his earliest to his last works, provide an absorbing and fascinating experience.
  12. Each is utterly absorbing. Take the problem of disease, the 'unremitting enemy' as Jones calls it.
  13. They also are exempt from the standards passenger cars must meet in resisting a crushed roof and absorbing side impacts, the group said.
  14. China won't stop sending students abroad _ they are vital to its plans for absorbing advanced technology _ but it will take strenuous measures to ensure that those who go abroad are loyal socialists and return that way.
  15. Energy consumers have a well-documented capacity for absorbing price rises.
  16. Many were anticipating the market would have difficulty absorbing the fresh supply. In the event, the sale drew slightly better-than-expected demand.
  17. Stock traders also were absorbing word of overnight declines in the Japanese and British markets, where interest-rate and inflation worries have also been weighing down enthusiasm lately.
  18. He even leads on Bob Marley's mother to show off his 'keep the faith' credentials. It makes for a totally absorbing show.
  19. As previously reported, steelmakers are lobbying the White House to create a multibillion-dollar fund to cover the cost of reducing excess steel capacity and absorbing unfunded pension liabilities.
  20. She noted, though, that the borough's more upstate character has lessened since the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge linked it with Brooklyn and it began absorbing people fleeing high housing costs and other urban woes in other boroughs.
  21. As a piece of theatre, it is intelligent, magical, and wholly absorbing. Christopher Sly has always troubled directors.
  22. In yesterday's trading, bond prices were moderately lower early in the day as investors worried about absorbing the $29.5 billion of new securities.
  23. But it is Mr. Caron who has made the far more absorbing film, and he has provided a stunning showcase for Michael Keaton, who is turning out to be one of the most daring actors going.
  24. In recent months, members of the Serbian minority in Croatia have staged demonstrations and seized arms from police, and Serbia has talked of absorbing areas of Croatia where there are large numbers of Serbs.
  25. More crucially, we may find the anguish of Konstantin, who is played by Alex Cox, only intermittently absorbing here.
  26. It will be up to Gesell to decide the politically absorbing question of the trial's timing.
  27. London's robusta COFFEE erased losses and established a fresh nine-month high, tracking a similar turn-round in New York as the markets resumed their upward trends after absorbing bouts of profit taking.
  28. None of these funds is absorbing management fees to boost yields.
  29. Kaye Scholer represents a number of large institutional creditors, and some of the firm's lawyers are also concerned that absorbing Levin's debtor clients might harm the firm's image among its creditor clients, the individual said.
  30. But, for the moment, oil markets still appear to be absorbing the excess OPEC production with prices of the world's crudes holding around $4 a barrel higher than those of a year ago.
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