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 aberrance [æ'bɛrəns添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 偏离正路, 偏离常轨, 反常

  1. Cants are the special aberrance of ethical common language in the criminal community; its usage tends to reflect the various criminal psychologies.
  2. An experimental study of atmospheric pressure aberrance on the turbofan engine is presented, then a new rational method is proposed to test the engine stability which is influenced by atmospheric aberranc
  3. Aiming at local distortion of intensity distribution in linearly coded profilometry, the processing methods to rehabilitate or wipe off the aberrance sampled data are proposed, which can improve the performance of measuring sy

[ noun ]
a state or condition markedly different from the norm

Aberrance \Ab*er"rance\, Aberrancy \Ab*er"ran*cy\, n.
the state or condition of being aberrant; a wandering from
the right way; deviation from truth, rectitude, etc.

Syn: aberrance, aberration, deviance
[1913 Webster WordNet 1.5]

{Aberrancy of curvature} (Geom.), the deviation of a curve
from a circular form.

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