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 abdication [ˌæbdi'keiʃən添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 逊位, 弃权, 辞职

  1. The king signed the instrument of abdication.
  2. The transfer of a ruler's authority by death or abdication.
  3. Napoleon signed his abdication on June22.

[ noun ]
  1. a formal resignation and renunciation of powers

  2. <noun.communication>
  3. the act of abdicating

  4. <noun.communication>

Abdication \Ab`di*ca"tion\, n. [L. abdicatio: cf. F.
The act of abdicating; the renunciation of a high office,
dignity, or trust, by its holder; commonly the voluntary
renunciation of sovereign power; as, abdication of the
throne, government, power, authority.

  1. Nearly 60 years have flown by since the abdication of Edward VIII was forced upon him when he declared his intention of marrying Mrs Wallis Simpson, the American divorcee.
  2. All but Zita signed the pledge. "My mother felt that abdication would have amounted to a betrayal of my father," Otto explained.
  3. At the end, he is a visibly sadder and wearier man, having launched his daughter on the world. It is like the dignified abdication of the emperor. There is a chance to see the Ninagawa at the Barbican this afternoon and this evening.
  4. The abdication from responsibility for the West Bank by Jordan's King Hussein six weeks ago clearly handed the baton to Mr. Arafat and the PLO.
  5. What has been the result of this regulatory abdication? Each year, more and better computers are being sold at cheaper and cheaper prices.
  6. Because of the disgrace surrounding the abdication in 1936 of the queen's uncle King Edward VIII, later the Duke of Windsor, in order to marry American divorcee Wallis Simpson, the queen has said she will never abdicate the throne.
  7. But a new book published to mark the 500th anniversary of Caterina's enforced abdication in 1489 avoids depicting her as a tragic heroine.
  8. Mr John Major, the prime minister, has been closely involved in the final stages of this particular drama but, during the abdication crisis, whole prime ministerial meetings were taken up with the matter for nearly a year.
  9. Noriega in return for the Panamanian dictator's abdication.
  10. He orchestrated negotiations between Israel and Lebanon for a peace agreement in 1983, only to have the rug pulled from under him by Gemayel's abdication of the agreement soon after it was signed.
  11. But that only underscores the abdication when Mr. Cavazos mutes his only real power, the stature to speak the blunt truth of the sort offered by John Chubb.
  12. It took them five years and they lost their shirts on the venture; the king's abdication in 1795 meant the collection stayed in England.
  13. An equivalent abdication of responsibility can be seen with deposit insurance.
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