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 Wongs method 添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. The third contender for this contract is a partnership between U.S. firm Parsons Brinckerhoff, Scott Wilson Kirkpatrick Consulting/Engineering of Britain and Hong Kong architectural consultants Wong Tung & Partners Ltd.
    2. "Small business, lots of work," says Ms. Wong.
    3. Wong said Marcos did not have a heart attack.
    4. Wong's conclusions, presented at the 40th annual meeting of the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, contradict the traditional scientific belief that nicotine stimulates brain cells.
    5. Wayne Wong, a bond analyst at Marinvest in New York, noted that corporations last month issued a spectacular $35 billion to $40 billion in new debt, and that municipalities are expected to step up the pace of new debt offerings in coming months.
    6. "I walk to ensure a good life and for the well-being of my family and friends," Wong said.
    7. On a recent evening, for instance, three of the characters were Sister Amnesia, televangelist Lee Clodfelter and Fiona Wong, founder of 1-900-DIALSEX.
    8. "It's really stolen their thunder," reports Wilfred Wong of Ashbury Market.
    9. Mr. Clark, 55 years old, succeeds Michael C.Y. Wong, who resigned to pursue his own business interests.
    10. "For individuals, it doesn't pay to go out 40 years," Mr. Wong said.
    11. Wong got a copy of the script on a Monday and by the following Thursday he was flying to New York to audition on money borrowed from his parents.
    12. One idea under consideration is offering tickets to the public. Wong wouldn't speculate on how the tickets might be distributed.
    13. Mr. Wong suggested that as long as short-term rates don't climb significantly, there is little danger to the stock market from interest rates.
    14. Foreign Minister Wong Kan Seng of Singapore, a major source of arms for the guerrillas, welcomed the Jakarta agreement and said it should be followed by reopening the Paris conference.
    15. The controversy arose after a complaint was filed with Equity by David Henry Hwang, author of "M. Butterfly," and B.D. Wong, star of the same play.
    16. The 198 passengers and crew aboard the Singapore-to-San Francisco flight slid down emergency chutes after the jet landed shortly before noon, said Civil Aviation Department spokesman Patrick Wong.
    17. Manuel Wong said Hamad refused to say what he was doing in the ceiling and would not disclose his nationality.
    18. But Wong is skeptical about retraining workers.
    19. Wong, along with other high officials, allegedly was involved in the attempt.
    20. The controversy arose several weeks ago after Actor's Equity received letters of complaint from playwright David Henry Hwang and actor B.D. Wong about the casting of Pryce.
    21. Lee is president of Nanus Asia Co. and Southridge International Inc., two companies based in the British Virgin Islands, according to solicitor Charles Wong.
    22. He was an adjutant to former intelligence chief Col. Guillermo Wong, who was also jailed.
    23. "The Fed usually moves on Tuesday or Friday," Mr. Wong said.
    24. Dr. Livingston Wong, chief of St. Francis Medical Center's transplant team, and two unidentified doctors _ a cardiologist and a kidney specialist from the Philippines _ saw Marcos on Sunday at his home here, KHON said Wednesday.
    25. Linda Wong of the University of Texas-Galveston said that nicotine, a substance found in tobacco, suppresses rat brain cells that control basic behaviors such as learning, memory and emotion.
    26. What we need in LegCo is a governing party and an opposition.' Mr Wong readily concedes that this is not a realistic prospect.
    27. "I see it as a beauty of Hong Kong rather than a minus," said Wong. "You work hard and you make your fortune, and now you're allowed to show that.
    28. A decline in marriage among younger people doesn't mean they have abandoned the institution, said Odalia Ho Wong of the University of Maryland-Baltimore.
    29. Madrinan and Wong alleged the 26 detainees belonged to two anti-government groups they identified as the National Conformity Movement and the March 16th Active Movement.
    30. Development of the new materials is an "exciting phenomenon," says James Wong, the president of Supercon, the maker of metal superconductors.
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