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 Walk the Line 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 一往无前(歌曲名);为你钟情(电影名)

  1. CAREER : After winning the leading actress Oscar for her role Walk the Line in 2005, Reese has chosen her roles carefully.
    演艺生涯 :在2005年出演电影《一往无前》而获得奥斯卡最佳女主角奖之后,芮茜谨慎的选择自己扮演的角色。
  2. Witherspoon, who won the 2005 Oscar for best actress for her portrayal of June Carter Cash in "Walk the line," signed a multi-year agreement, but her compensation was not disclosed.
    威瑟斯彭凭借其在电影《一往无前》中饰演琼·卡特·卡什一角荣获2005年奥斯卡最佳女主角奖。 她与雅芳公司签署了一项多年的合约,但她的报酬并未公开。
  3. Eye contact is extraordinarily powerful, so it’s important to walk the line between intensity and subtlety, which is why we usually restrict direct eye contact to only a second or two.

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