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 unenforceable [`ʌnɪn'forsəbl.添加此单词到默认生词本
[法] 不能强制的, 不能执行的, 不能实行的

    [ adj ]
    not enforceable; not capable of being brought about by compulsion
    an unenforceable lawunenforceable reforms

    1. It said security against the lending was probably unenforceable and financial information on the loans 'inadequate'. The report estimates that PW received about Dollars 5m a year for its work on the BCCI audit and related services.
    2. Connecticut's anti-abortion laws were rendered unenforceable by Roe vs. Wade.
    3. "What this decision shows is that a golden parachute contract is unenforceable after a bankruptcy," said Peter Gruenberger, an attorney in New York for Weil, Gotshal & Manges, representing Drexel.
    4. On Tuesday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 3-0 that an agreement, if it existed, was unenforceable because it wasn't in writing.
    5. In its challenge, the New Nation said the decree was unenforceable because editors could not anticipate what the minister might consider objectionable.
    6. While Exxon's request for a rehearing was pending before the 5th Circuit court, a Texas appeals court ruled in a very similar case that under such circumstances a letter of credit's expiration date is unenforceable.
    7. Federal and state court rulings have since rendered capital punishment statutes still on the books in New York to be unenforceable.
    8. "Vague directives" led to the EPA declaring Mercury Paint's mercury levels to be an "unenforceable action," agency spokesman Al Heier said.
    9. Both projects were abandoned in January 1982 and in 1983 WPPSS quit making payments on the bonds after the Washington state Supreme Court held that the utilities' contracts with the consortium were illegal and thus unenforceable.
    10. Borland had filed its own suit, charging that such non-competition covenants were unenforceable in California.
    11. He said the administration has brought no court suits, issued no unilateral orders, and entered into a handful of consent orders, two enforceable compliance agreements and three unenforceable agreements as part of its cleanup efforts.
    12. But U.S. District Judge Falcon Hawkins ruled Thursday that a Procter & Gamble patent for its super-absorbent diaper is unenforceable because the company intended to deceive a patent examiner.
    13. To their chagrin, many bankers have found that Hong Kong court decisions are practically unenforceable in China.
    14. It said the United States should take a more focused and flexible approach to export controls on computers, especially since the existing curbs on many components and systems have become virtually unenforceable.
    15. The jury found that previous agreements the couples used to split ticket winnings were unenforceable.
    16. Federal and state court rulings have since rendered capital punishment statutes sill on the books in New York to be unenforceable.
    17. Nine others specifically made the contracts unenforceable.
    18. The U.S. Senate never ratified the pacts because of concerns they were unenforceable.
    19. It calls for a maximum penalty of five years in prison and a $50,000 fine for conviction of such brokering and provides that such contracts are unenforceable.
    20. Louisiana, Nebraska and Kentucky have declared surrogacy contracts void and unenforceable.
    21. In this respect Texaco cites another rule stating that "every contract made in violation" of the act "shall be void," as well as case law saying that "illegal" contracts are unenforceable as a matter of public policy.
    22. The law was rendered unenforceable by the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 Roe vs. Wade ruling that legalized abortion.
    23. As a result, the loan agreements, drawn up in 1983 for Placid and a year later for Penrod, may be unenforceable.
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