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 UIS 添加此单词到默认生词本
Unemployment Insurance Service (美国)失业保险局

    1. The court also refused UIS's request to invalidate the issuance of the new preferred stock.
    2. If UIS doesn't sell back its remaining Walbro shares in that time, Walbro will have the right to call the shares at the market price for a two-year period beginning in October 1989.
    3. Walbro said it sent a letter to its shareholders apprising them of the board's decision and "strongly" urging them not to tender their shares to UIS, a closely held New York-based diversified concern that manufactures auto parts.
    4. UIS, a closely held diversified New York concern that makes auto parts, owns 8.3% of Walbro.
    5. Walbro opposed the offer, and UIS countered with a proposal to negotiate acquisition of the entire company.
    6. Executives of Walbro and UIS couldn't be reached for comment late yesterday.
    7. UIS's offer is scheduled to expire at midnight Oct. 7, and is subject to a minimum of 2.1 million shares being tendered by the deadline.
    8. UIS manufactures and distributes auto parts.
    9. "We find it reprehensible, the action they've taken," said Jeffrey Lehman of Ladenburg, Thalmann & Co. Inc., advisers to UIS.
    10. UIS maintains that the terms of the sale of preferred stock to General Electric Credit virtually placed voting control of those shares under Walbro's board.
    11. The filing said that "should such discussions fail," UIS might seek to buy more Walbro shares through a tender offer, in the open market or privately, depending on market conditions and other factors.
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