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 U-shaped 添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ adj ]
    shaped in the form of the letter U

    U-shaped \U"-shaped`\, a.
    Having the form of the letter U; specif. (Phys. Geog.), of
    valleys, resembling a broad U in cross profile.
    [Webster 1913 Suppl.]

    1. "If the state doesn't buy it now, I'm sure it's not going to be here next year," said Ainsley Fullard-Leo, 57, the youngest of three brothers who own the U-shaped string of islets 960 miles south of Hawaii and 200 miles north of the equator.
    2. North Cove is a U-shaped notch in Manhattan's Battery Park City, a community of office towers and apartment buildings that stands on landfill on the edge of the Hudson River.
    3. For what it's worth, the term refers to U-shaped control arms that connect a car's suspension apparatus to its body.
    4. The hose connection, similar to a standard garden-hose connection, is placed below the U-shaped drain trap, which is usually filled with water.
    5. In 1989 it banned the clubs from use in PGA tournaments and proposed a rule banning U-shaped grooves - thus earning an injunction and a lawsuit from Karsten Manufacturing.
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