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 Tyndale ['tindl]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    English translator and Protestant martyr; his translation of the Bible into English (which later formed the basis for the King James Version) aroused ecclesiastical opposition; he left England in 1524 and was burned at the stake in Antwerp as a heretic (1494-1536)

    1. "The mom and daughter sit here," Ms. Tyndale said, showing off a tiny upstairs fitting room cozy with armchairs, gauzy curtains and a cheval glass.
    2. More and Tyndale exchanged insults in pamphlets that did neither man much credit, but Daniell said Tyndale was right and More wrong on specific points of translation.
    3. More and Tyndale exchanged insults in pamphlets that did neither man much credit, but Daniell said Tyndale was right and More wrong on specific points of translation.
    4. Now that sales of "The Book" are cooling off, Tyndale is trying to sustain its success with spinoffs.
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