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 Trollope ['trɔləp]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    English writer of novels (1815-1882)

    1. Though thoroughly Victorian, Trollope was also Majoresque.
    2. Local estate agents say newcomers still echo Trollope's sentiments, making 'harbour views' their number one demand.
    3. Mr. Major succeeded where Trollope failed by winning a seat in Parliament.
    4. The major sources in both books are the same and inevitably there is a great deal of overlap. It was brave of Victoria Glendinning to go ahead in the knowledge of these forthcoming works but Trollope admirers will be glad that she did.
    5. SO Trollope has his plaque in Westminster Abbey.
    6. Lindsay Duncan plays the title role in a story which is like a cross between a novel by the author's namesake and ancestor, Anthony Trollope, and 'The Archers' (10.00).
    7. It sounds like a night for a long soak in the bath and a good read; Joanna Trollope's 'The Choir' is classy escapism.
    8. I have half a mind to set off now for Charles Trollope's quince farm at Clay Barn Orchard, near Colchester in Essex.
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