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 Tolstoy ['tɔlstɔi]   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    Russian author remembered for two great novels (1828-1910)

    1. But, as Tolstoy might have said, it is the difficult ones that are the most interesting.
    2. She starts as the spitting image of the cover of the Penguin Classic of Tolstoy's novel; she ends a disconnected, half-naked androgyne.
    3. But Mr. Alter redeems it with his intelligent and sensitive discussion here of Tolstoy's treatment of the entrance of the ingenue Kitty at a ball.
    4. Mr. Nurnberg acquired world rights to Sophie Tolstoy's diaries.
    5. The first half shows us civil war, and the tragic sense of history that we know in Shakespeare, Pushkin, Tolstoy and Pasternak.
    6. Leo Tolstoy's midlife crisis led him to become a devout Christian.
    7. Against all odds, its 28 pages suggest the descriptive immensity of Tolstoy's herniator.
    8. "This `Mother Teresa' Tolstoy was an act.
    9. Now, journalist William Shirer is tackling the mystery of Leo Tolstoy, who walked into the Moscow night and never returned.
    10. It sounds almost Marxian, but, unlike Marx, Tolstoy does not believe that the inexorable march of events renders individual experience insignificant.
    11. I think Tolstoy also wondered what his life was all about.
    12. Every aspect of Tolstoy's life, in Mr. Wilson's view, exists not for its own sake but in relation to something else.
    13. The written word has played a huge role in Russia since the 19th century, when works by writers such as Pushkin and Tolstoy were a moral and spiritual counterbalance to the authoritarian rule of the Czars.
    14. If Tolstoy were alive today, he might remark that all happy families enjoy themselves, while unhappy families go off and enjoy the Huxtables, Seavers, Keatons or Witherspoons in separate rooms.
    15. But he calls himself only a "third-rate writer," naming William Shakespeare and Leo Tolstoy as first-rate writers, and Dickens and George Bernard Shaw as second-rate.
    16. A Xinhua dispatch listed her hobbies as tennis, golf, angling and reading - Tolstoy, Hugo and Balzac.
    17. Her faithful coachman, waiting to take her home, freezes to death. Tolstoy intended the story as a dreadful example of the failure to make connections between art and good behaviour; but all his passionate arguments failed.
    18. My explanation that Madame Karenina was a product of Leo Tolstoy's imagination elicited blank stares and, happily, some curiosity in learning Tolstoy's identity.
    19. My explanation that Madame Karenina was a product of Leo Tolstoy's imagination elicited blank stares and, happily, some curiosity in learning Tolstoy's identity.
    20. Meanwhile, the government's Children's Fund chose Friday to bestow its honorary Leo Tolstoy award on Mother Teresa, the missionary who came to Armenia after the quake to help its victims.
    21. I remarked that Tolstoy had found intellectual comfort in the simple faith of peasants.
    22. Thought for today: "It is amazing how complete is the delusion that beauty is goodness." _ Leo Tolstoy, Russian author (1828-1910).
    23. Before studying the libretto, she learned the Cyrillic alphabet. She also read most of Tolstoy's novel.
    24. Three judges of the Court of Appeal ruled Thursday that Tolstoy's appeal had little chance of success, and that if he wished to proceed he must depost $226,000 within 14 days as security for Aldington's costs.
    25. But until then there's a book to be written about why Tolstoy walked out on his wife at age 82, dying a few days later.
    26. In this Moscow spring, this May 1988, we may be allowed that hope, that freedom like the fresh green sapling planted over Tolstoy's grave, will blossom forth at last in the rich fertile soil of your people and culture.
    27. Hundreds of people jammed the sidewalk in front of the theater on one of Moscow's main thoroughfares for a chance to view what Turned called the American equivalent of Tolstoy's "War and Peace," another tale of lives torn asunder by a great war.
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