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 Terman 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Terman)人名;(英、德)特曼

  1. They were reunited by Stanford prof Fred Terman, who encouraged the two to "make a run for it."
    他们通过斯坦福大学教授特曼(Fred Terman)重聚,特曼鼓励这两位“争先恐后”。
  2. In 1920, Lewis Terman and Jessie Chase of Stanford University published a report called The Psychology, Biology and Pedagogy of Genius, summarising all the important new literature on the subject.
    1920年,斯坦福大学的刘易斯·特曼(Lewis Terman)和杰西·蔡斯(Jessie Chase)出版了一份叫做《天才的心理学、生物学和教育学》的报告,总结了该话题的所有重要新文献。
  3. The change sets us back to mid-January in terms of morning light, according to Michael Terman, a biological rhythms expert at Columbia University.
    根据来自哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)的生物节奏专家Michael Terman的 观点,就从早晨的日光这个角度来说,这种时间的调整把我们带回到了1月中旬。

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