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 Tahitian   添加此单词到默认生词本
[tә'hi:ʃәn, tɑ:-; -hi:ʃiәn]
塔希提岛的, 塔希提人的, 塔希提语的

    [ noun ]
    1. a native or inhabitant of Tahiti

    2. <noun.person>
    3. the Oceanic language spoken on Tahiti

    4. <noun.communication>
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to or characteristic of the island of Tahiti or its residents or their language and culture

    2. <adj.pert>

    Tahitian \Ta*hi"ti*an\, a.
    Of or pertaining to Tahiti, an island in the Pacific Ocean.
    -- n. A native inhabitant of Tahiti.

    1. It showcases other sides of Gauguin's art besides the colorful Tahitian and South Sea Island paintings for which he is best known.
    2. In it, a nude Tahitian woman holds in her hand a flowering seed, a potent symbol of her own sensuality and procreative force, which is further reinforced by the resonant colors and rich visual textures of the picture as a whole.
    3. French authorities on the island want to question Brando about the death of Drollet, the son of a prominent Tahitian.
    4. Christian Brando is charged with the slaying of Miss Brando's Tahitian lover, Dag Drollet, and his trial has been delayed by the dispute over Cheyenne's testimony.
    5. Brando is accused of killing Miss Brando's 26-year-old Tahitian lover, Dag Drollet, during an argument May 16 at the Brando estate. Miss Brando gave birth June 30 in Tahiti to Drollet's son.
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