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 TNT ['tiɛn'ti]   添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 梯恩梯

[医] 三硝基甲苯

    [ noun ]
    explosive consisting of a yellow crystalline compound that is a flammable toxic derivative of toluene

    Explosive \Ex*plo"sive\, n.
    1. An explosive agent; a compound or mixture susceptible of a
    rapid chemical reaction, as {gunpowder}, {TNT},
    {dynamite}, or {nitro-glycerine}.
    [1913 Webster +PJC]

    2. A sound produced by an explosive impulse of the breath;
    (Phonetics) one of consonants p, b, t, d, k, g, which are
    sounded with a sort of explosive power of voice.

    Note: [See Guide to Pronunciation, [root] 155-7, 184.]

    1. Twenty kilotons, the force of 20,000 tons of TNT, was the yield of the U.S. atom bomb dropped on Hiroshima, Japan in 1945.
    2. "The addition of TNT to our already successful lineup of basic cable networks has lifted our quarterly operating profit to an all-time high," said Turner, chairman of TBS.
    3. The former, for example, runs TNT Contract Logistics as a separate operation. 'We may use other parts of the TNT organisation such as air express, road express or courier services but we are not asset-driven.
    4. The former, for example, runs TNT Contract Logistics as a separate operation. 'We may use other parts of the TNT organisation such as air express, road express or courier services but we are not asset-driven.
    5. The explosions would start with a 1,000-pound charge in 1990, increasing to 470 tons _ equivalent to 300 tons of TNT _ in November 1992.
    6. But consultants say TNT will likely use the postal services to distribute packages within each country, while the postal services, which currently use charter planes for international transport, will use TNT instead.
    7. But consultants say TNT will likely use the postal services to distribute packages within each country, while the postal services, which currently use charter planes for international transport, will use TNT instead.
    8. Sir Peter Abeles, chief executive officer of TNT Ltd., called the partnership an "historic development" that would reduce the cost of carrying packages.
    9. TNT said it chose the planes because their low noise level and their ability to use short runways and fly in all weather conditions should allow them to make night freight runs in Europe without restrictions.
    10. If you are going to be a big player you have got to have the product,' says Mr Turner who began transmitting two of his channels, TNT, based on old films and some sport and the Cartoon Network to Europe in the form of a single 24-hours a day channel.
    11. Mr. Sassa said TNT South is costing Turner "considerably less" to launch than the $30 million it spent on TNT, but he wouldn't elaborate.
    12. Mr. Sassa said TNT South is costing Turner "considerably less" to launch than the $30 million it spent on TNT, but he wouldn't elaborate.
    13. Still, TNT's growth and acceptance by viewers have impressed even a top cable executive who once was what he calls a "nay-sayer" to TNT, partly because he didn't think its film library would prove that big a draw.
    14. Still, TNT's growth and acceptance by viewers have impressed even a top cable executive who once was what he calls a "nay-sayer" to TNT, partly because he didn't think its film library would prove that big a draw.
    15. Mr. Sassa said TNT South will consist of a single eight-hour block of programming, which will be repeated with slight variations, three times a day.
    16. TNT said Ansett Transport Industries Ltd., its joint venture with Rupert Murdoch's News Corp., was unprofitable as a result of the effects of airline deregulation and the weak Australian economy.
    17. The cleanup not only frees more money for actual benefits but also "tends to slow down the acceleration rate in employer premiums," says John West, president of TNT Red Star Express in Newark.
    18. NM's portfolio is overweight in companies such as Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, and TNT, which lack for UK investors the reassuringly stable image of ICI or BP.
    19. The company owns a coast-to-coast network of seven regional motor carriers acquired since 1984 by Transport Group, a subsidiary of TNT Ltd. They have strongholds in all areas but the Southeast.
    20. Dividends were axed last year, and are unlikely to restart before 1995. Perhaps the least of TNT's problems are now in the boardroom.
    21. And Tele-Communications' chief executive officer, John Malone, has been among the most vocal supporters of TNT.
    22. The cable network Showtime and TNT tied for second with 31 nominations each.
    23. But there are indications that TNT has changed its position slightly and may now be more optimistic about its chances: it may bid for, or take part in, a consortium wishing to buy all or part of a profitable letters monopoly.
    24. Sometimes her scheduling also displays a pixie sense of humor. One night last year offered a TNT triple-feature: "He Couldn't Say No," "She Couldn't Say No," and "She Had to Say Yes." "She's just magic," Hogan says.
    25. In all, Turner Broadcasting will commit $250 million to TNT programming in the network's first 2 1/2 years.
    26. Still, analysts generally contend that TNT must do much more to shore up its financial position before it can reverse negative market sentiment.
    27. His daytime anchoring of TNT's Olympic coverage was crisp and knowledgeable.
    28. The 14-foot long SRAM-A is an air-to-surface missile armed with the W-69 nuclear warhead with an estimated explosive yield equivalent to 170,000 tons of TNT, which is 11 to 13 times the power of the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima in 1945.
    29. A TNT Star Final kudos to cable TNT's Fred Hickman.
    30. A TNT Star Final kudos to cable TNT's Fred Hickman.
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