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 St.Helena 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. The vision of St. Helena is a work that belongs to his mature stage and portraits the mother of Constantine I, emperor of Rome.
    《圣海伦娜之视》是一件属于他成熟时期的作品,这幅画描绘的是罗马皇帝君士坦丁大帝的母亲 - 海伦娜的肖像。
  2. ST. HELENA, California (Reuters Life!) - In Napa Valley, the most hallowed of America's wine regions, a young Shanghai billionaire has tongues wagging.
    路透加州圣海伦娜6月12日电(记者Mary Milliken)---加州的纳帕谷可说是美国葡萄酿酒的圣地,而就在周末的纳帕谷酒品拍卖会上,一位来自中国上海的年轻巨富很是意气风发了一番。
  3. Watson, 18, will play Betsy Balcombe, a young, impetuous noblewoman trapped on the isolated British island of St. Helena who falls in love with Napoleon, who has been exiled there.
    18岁的沃特森出演贝琪·巴尔科姆。 贝琪是圣赫勒拿岛上一位年轻冲动的女贵族,她爱上了被流放到那里的拿破仑。

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