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 Sisley   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Competing now with those stores is Benetton's offspring, Sisley, with higher-priced versions of its Benetton apparel.
    2. A painting that had garnered headlines in 1988 for selling at the world-record price for an Alfred Sisley, $3.6 million, went back on the block and failed to sell.
    3. Spending on advertising and sponsorship amounted to L108.2bn last year. Sales of its Sisley brand rose particularly strongly, with a 34 per cent increase.
    4. Works by blue-chip Impressionists Claude Monet, Alfred Sisley and Pierre-Auguste Renoir had extreme difficulty selling.
    5. 'Sisley'. As Sisley lay dying, Monet could write of him: 'He is a truly great artist and I believe he is as great a master as any who has ever lived.
    6. 'Sisley'. As Sisley lay dying, Monet could write of him: 'He is a truly great artist and I believe he is as great a master as any who has ever lived.
    7. The magazine rejected Benetton's request to repeat the upside-down back-cover placement, although it meant the loss of the five ad pages that usually make up the inverted Sisley spread.
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