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 Sakhir 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Sakhir)人名;(阿拉伯)萨赫尔

  1. Arriving in Bahrain without a point to his name, he delivered just when he needed to, beating Robert Kubica’s BMW Sauber off the line and then dominating the Sakhir race.
    抵达巴林站前他一分未得,他需要一次成功来证明自己,并且他做到了。 他在起跑线上击败了罗伯特库比卡的宝马索伯车队并统治了整个萨基尔赛道。
  2. Bell was referring to an internal tube carrying air that can affect the aerodynamics of the rear wing and provide extra speed on the two long straights on the Sakhir track.
    Bell 指的是赛车内部一根能够传递空气的导管,它能够影响尾翼的空气动力情况从而在Sakhir赛道的两条大直道上提供额外的速度。

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