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 Sahara   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 撒哈拉沙漠

    [ noun ]
    the world's largest desert (3,500,000 square miles) in northern Africa

    1. It said the plane was attacked about 15 miles from a wall that Morocco built in the Western Sahara to keep rebels from penetrating farther north into Morocco.
    2. The legion was originally based there with the purpose of keeping an eye on King Hassan II of Morocco, who in the mid-1970s successfully and peacefully invaded Spanish Sahara and recovered the territory.
    3. The U.N. this year helped negotiate peace agreements aimed at ending wars in Afghanistan and the western Sahara, and between Iran and Iraq.
    4. A similar phenomenon was recorded 13 years ago when dust from the Sahara was carried through the atmosphere into the High Tatras, Czechoslovakia's highest mountain region and a resort with a national park.
    5. Nothing comes easy in the Sahel, a huge belt of land on the southern fringe of the Sahara, and the good rains are no exception. More than 100 lives were lost in torrential rains, thousands of homes destroyed and some farmland flooded.
    6. Sahara Casino Partners lost 1 1/2 to 3 5/8.
    7. Reshaping RJR, he told managers in a closed-door briefing last fall, "is like crossing the Sahara.
    8. "The Sahara is liberty."
    9. Japan is proposing a $10.8 billion project to help stop the advance of the southern Sahara Desert, an official said Saturday.
    10. Morocco claimed 87 guerrillas died in the fighting in the northeastern section of the Western Sahara.
    11. Africa doesn't have to worry about land, but would you want to live in the Sahara?" he said.
    12. Sahara Casino Partners L.P. began trading units under the symbol SAH.
    13. Although the joint communique gave no hint of progress toward a solution of the Western Sahara dispute, it seemed to open the way to the possible five-nation North African community that has long been a professed goal of all the governments involved.
    14. The Polisario Front, which has been fighting Morocco since 1975 for control of the Western Sahara, accepted responsibility for the downing of the DC-7 aircraft Dec. 10 and the crippling of a companion plane that landed safely after the attack.
    15. Sahara Resorts said it agreed to buy the Pioneer Hotel & Gambling Hall in Laughlin, Nev., from the Elardi family.
    16. About 1,700 peacekeepers would be sent to the Western Sahara under a $200 million U.N. plan for overseeing an end to the 16-year-old war between Polisario guerrillas and Morocco.
    17. So cold that most all the water vapor freezes, making the Polar atmosphere drier than the Sahara's.
    18. Last winter, several Millikin students were invited to perform at Las Vegas. " We were asked to turn in our resumes after performing at the Sahara Hotel," says student Philip Fabry. "It felt great.
    19. Morocco annexed the mineral-rich Western Sahara, previously a Spanish province, in 1979.
    20. Officials have said the plane crashed about 35 miles southeast of the town of Smara in the Western Sahara.
    21. Mountain Travel, whose offerings include treks in Tibet or a month across the Sahara with camels, says business has grown 30% in the past five years.
    22. It's only 125 miles north of Mauritania's capital, Nouakchott, but then Nouakchott itself is only 500 yards from the edge of the vast Sahara.
    23. Cyprus government spokesman Akis Fantis said peace moves in the Iran-Iraq war, Angola, the Algeria-Morocco Sahara dispute, the Soviet withdrawal from Afghanistan and U.S.-Soviet relations were "of tremendous importance" to the movement.
    24. The Western Sahara covers about 110,000 square miles but had only about 76,000 inhabitants in the last Spanish census in 1975. Most residents have fled to Moroccan-held cities or to refugee camps around the Algerian oasis of Tindouf.
    25. The attack occurred near a border area where nationalist rebels have waged a guerrilla war against the Moroccan government to establish an independent Western Sahara.
    26. U.N. Secretary-General Javier Perez de Cuellar expects that a referendum can be held soon in the disputed Western Sahara after 15 years of war, an aide said today.
    27. South of the Sahara there now are at least 125 million Moslems, more than inhabit the Arab Middle Eastern nations.
    28. The report calls for action so that within five years, half to two-thirds of the countries below the Sahara will have carried out programs to cover a majority of the region's most needy.
    29. The Moroccan army moved into the Western Sahara eight years after Israel occupied the West Bank and Gaza.
    30. The distribution represents operations from July 30, the closing date of the partnership's $63 million initial public offering, to Sept. 30, the end of Sahara's fiscal year.
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