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 STM 添加此单词到默认生词本
[化] 扫描隧道显微镜

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    1. Finally, he said, they realized that a much simpler device might be made that would merely shuttle a xenon atom back and forth between the STM's tip and the metal surface.
    2. "It was quite simple." When the xenon atom is on the tip of the STM, more electrical current flows between the tip and the surface than when the atom is on the surface.
    3. Clearing software is to be provided by ICCH, the London-based clearing organisation, while a Canadian group, STM, is to provide trading software. But even domestic dealers are sceptical that a system can be ready by mid-year.
    4. STM will list a total of 1.97 billion shares, with the government retaining roughly 76% through a holding company, Minister of Finance Inc.
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