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 Rachel ['reitʃəl]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 雷切尔(女子名)

  1. Rachel who died last week was still above ground.
  2. It's a little complicated... this is Rachel Edward of computer...

[ noun ]
(Old Testament) the second wife of Jacob and mother of Joseph and Benjamin

  1. The town's superintendent of public works said he hadn't yet hung the "Salamander Crossing" signs designed by Shutesbury fourth-grader Rachel Mackintosh.
  2. One of the world's rare beauties, Rachel Ward could be amply employed in American-made films.
  3. Rachel Shimshack, chairwoman of Massachusetts Citizens for Safe Energy, which is behind the nuclear plant shutdown proposal, said "this underscores our point that Pilgrim is an unsafe and unreliable and expensive plant."
  4. The same prize was presented to Kozol for "Rachel and Her Children," which dealt with homeless families in America.
  5. The character and the play become more somber as they attempt to define what Rachel has done with her life since leaving her husband.
  6. Mr. Lucas has a penchant for the calamitous, and this is neither the first nor the last calamity to be visited on poor Rachel.
  7. The town's superintendent of public works said he is in the process of hanging the crossing signs, designed by Shutesbury fourth-grader Rachel Mackintosh.
  8. Jules and Rachel Lubell bought the painting in 1967 for $17,000 from the Robert Elkon Gallery on Madison Avenue.
  9. C.C.H. Pounder plays Rachel Twymon, a tough, long-suffering mother of six in the predominantly black Roxbury neighborhood.
  10. The episode two weeks ago on the faith that was placed in DDT just after the war, then the launch of the ecology movement with Rachel Carson's 'Silent Spring', followed by a new wave of blind faith in Mother Nature, was a profoundly sane programme.
  11. Director Norman Rene gives "Reckless" a thoughtful, fluid production, that makes Rachel's journey move quickly.
  12. She looked nervous and gaunt as she collected belongings in Frankfurt airport and cared for daughter Miriam, 6, son Jassim, 7, and cradled 11-month-old Rachel in her arms.
  13. Rachel Dale, spokeswoman for Let the People Decide, the only national group formed specifically to oppose term limits, estimates that 145 term-limitation bills have been introduced in legislatures in 45 states.
  14. Under questioning by detectives, Mrs. Sanchez gave conflicting accounts of how Rachel fell, Campbell said.
  15. Rachel McLish looks over, flexes a bicep in their general direction, then throws back her head and laughs.
  16. "If he had not been willing to extend himself and be supportive of us, he wouldn't have helped with Rachel's conversion," says Mr. Solomon, who is Alexandria's city comptroller.
  17. "I would say about 85 percent make real good guards," she said as she stood in a corral with donkeys Mary Ann, Rachel, Hickory Jackson and Dandy.
  18. The interview, published in the June issue of Glamour magazine, was conducted March 31. Rachel McAllister, Radner's publicist, confirmed that it was the comedian's last interview.
  19. Rachel Rowson has been promoted to company secretary of BAA on the retirement of John Grice.
  20. The likely GOP nominee _ state Sen. Rachel Gilbert of Boise _ backed the anti-abortion bill.
  21. Widel stopped to ask whether the little girl or her friend, Rachel Anne Newhart, 5, knew Samantha.
  22. So what if it is past their bedtime? Rachel is six years old and a recent graduate of kindergarten, but she is hardly out of place at this after-hours gig.
  23. At the end, when the new Rachel comes face to face with her past, Ms. Bartlett makes her hapless character the very picture of heartbreak, with great subtlety and economy.
  24. Smith had married Mrs. Williams' daughter Alma but hadn't lived with her for years, said Ms. Kennedy and Rachel Freeman, Mrs. Williams' great-niece and recently appointed legal guardian.
  25. Rachel's principal other interests, she says, are "playing" and watching "Sesame Street."
  26. Ms Rachel Medill, head of corporate communications, said: 'We are subsidising the managed income Pep, but we hope that it will be profitable over five years.' Nor is Barings the only company to feel the pressure.
  27. Rachel personifies a kind of goofy sweetness, a quality further enhanced by Robin Bartlett's exemplary performance.
  28. Project Rachel is that beginning.
  29. They have the right to decline to speak with investigators but can be subpoenaed if they refuse, said NTSB spokeswoman Rachel Halterman.
  30. Stern's attorney, Harry Gulkin, said a child psychologist found that the visitation was causing Rachel to become confused about her identity and her family.
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