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 Pringle 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 普林格尔(姓氏)

  1. Is the Pringle a vital foodstuff from which our government has no right to extract a screw?
  2. A 100ft circle was captured by crop circle authority Lucy Pringle in a field of oil seed rape near Silbury Hill, Wiltshire, on May 3.
    2011年5月3日,在英国威尔特郡的西尔布利山下,麦田怪圈研究人员Lucy Pringle在一片金黄的油菜籽地中拍摄到一个直径达30.48米的怪圈。
  3. H.M.S. Beagle, under the command of Pringle Stokes and accompanied by the Adventure, a storage ship commanded by Captain Phillip Parker King, set sail on its first survey mission to South America.
    英国舰队贝格尔号在普林格尔 斯托克的率领下,会同由菲利普 帕克 金指挥的开拓号储藏船,出发执行她的第一次南美考察任务。

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