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 Prague [prɑ:g]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 布拉格

    [ noun ]
    the capital and largest city of the Czech Republic in the western part of the country; a cultural and commercial center since the 14th century

    1. The events in Poland are being viewed nervously in Prague, where government officials expect demonstrations Monday to commemorate the Soviet invasion in 1968.
    2. East German party leaders have occasionally blocked the distribution of newspapers from Warsaw Pact neighbors in the past _ during the 1968 Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia and the early periods of labor unrest in Poland.
    3. Late Monday, ADN said Krenz had postponed a visit to Czechoslovakia planned for Tuesday, but it did not give a reason. Large pro-democracy demonstrations have been held in Prague.
    4. Usti nad Labem is 60 miles north of Prague.
    5. The explosion of joy in Wenceslas Square when the hated leaders that suppressed the Prague Spring reforms 20 years ago had to step down.
    6. Bush's one-day visit to Prague on Saturday, the first by a U.S. president, coincides with the first anniversary of Czechoslovakia's "Velvet Revolution."
    7. They had tried to lay flowers in Wenceslas Square to honor Jan Palach, a 20-year-old student who burned himself alive 20 years ago to protest the Soviet-led invasion that ended the liberal "Prague Spring" in August 1968.
    8. In a closing speech, Havel defiantly declared he was not guilty of inciting people to attend a commemoration Jan. 15 for Palach in Prague's Wenceslas Square or of ignoring appeals to leave the square the next day.
    9. "The necessity to combine socialism with democracy has again been vigorously reaffirmed in the dramatic events that occurred in Berlin, Sofia, Prague and Bucharest," Gorbachev said in the speech just before midnight Sunday.
    10. Albrecht's appointment was not a good idea.' Albrecht nevertheless has many supporters in Prague.
    11. Prague has invested $1.1 billion to date in its Gabcikovo dam and power station, which is due to come on line this summer.
    12. Police in Prague detained dozens of dissidents on the 70th anniversary of Czechoslovakia's prewar independence and flatly rejected talks with them.
    13. Kmen described Kafka as an integral part of Prague literary scene. "Today's remembrance of Kafka is not an act of piety or strategy but a fact of a simple refreshment of cultural memory," it said.
    14. On a political note, Bush said he agrees that Prague should be the home of the permanent secretariat of the CSCE, the loosely-defined 34-nation assembly that served as a forum for East-West talks during the Cold War.
    15. The small group flew to Prague, Czechoslovakia, on Tuesday.
    16. Milan Machovec, a philosophy professor who taught Palach at Prague's Charles University, appealed in his letter to anyone considering a repeat of Palach's act.
    17. As many as 400 are reported holed up in embassies and consulates in Budapest and Prague, and at the permanent mission in East Berlin.
    18. Havel said a condition of his accepting the presidency was that Dubcek be "somewhere close by my side." On Friday, deputies will reconvene in special televised session at Prague's Hradcany Castle to vote for president.
    19. At least two police officers have killed themselves since November, while former Prague Communist party boss Antonin Kapek was hospitalized with severe injuries after trying to shoot himself last month.
    20. A $10,000 grant was awarded to the Prague journal Lidove Noviny to assure two more months of publication, the press associations said.
    21. Even the little old man scraping a violin while his wife kept time with a stick-shaped tambourine was putting his back into it. Indeed, though architecture is Prague's glory, music is its connecting theme.
    22. The Americans were heading for Prague.
    23. The military intervention crushed the Prague Spring reform movement that tried to introduce Communism with a human face.
    24. Dissident sources in Prague and Vienna told The Associated Press that police also arrested Drahomira Drazska, who said she was Smid's girlfriend.
    25. The man destined to become Slovakia's first president had been Alexander Dubcek, the communist party leader whose Prague Spring reforms led to the Warsaw Pact invasion in 1968.
    26. The group filed an account of their treatment at the Polish Embassy in Prague on Friday, protesting that the officials' actions were "not reconcilable with friendly cooperation between the two countries," PAP said.
    27. Police detained more than 400 people near the grave of a student who burned himself to death 20 years ago to protest the Soviet-led invasion that crushed "Prague Spring" reforms, activists said.
    28. "That is why the windows of most of Prague's drugstores will remind their customers of the advatages of condom use before vacation time," according to the newspaper Mlada Fronta.
    29. The references were to the Marxist president of Chile who died in a 1973 coup and the 1968 Soviet-led invasion that ended Czechoslovakia's Prague Spring reforms.
    30. Moscow wants until the end of 1991, and sources in Prague said earlier this week June 1991 was a likely compromise.
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