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 Polish ['pɒliʃ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 波兰的

n. 波兰人, 上光剂, 光泽, 优雅

vt. 擦亮, 擦去, 使完美

vi. 擦亮, 变得光亮

[化] 抛光剂; 泡立水

[医] 磨光

[经] 波兰语; 波兰的, 波兰人的, 波兰语的

    [ noun ]
    1. the property of being smooth and shiny

    2. <noun.attribute>
    3. a highly developed state of perfection; having a flawless or impeccable quality

    4. <noun.state>
      they performed with great polish
      I admired the exquisite refinement of his prose
      almost an inspiration which gives to all work that finish which is almost art
    5. a preparation used in polishing

    6. <noun.substance>
    7. the Slavic language of Poland

    8. <noun.communication>
    [ verb ]
    1. make (a surface) shine

    2. <verb.contact> shine smooth smoothen
      shine the silver, please
      polish my shoes
    3. improve or perfect by pruning or polishing

    4. <verb.change>
      down fine-tune refine
      refine one's style of writing
    5. bring to a highly developed, finished, or refined state

    6. <verb.change>
      brush up polish up round round off
      polish your social manners
    [ adj ]
    1. of or relating to Poland or its people or culture

    2. <adj.pert>
      Polish sausage

    Polish \Pol"ish\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Polished}; p. pr. & vb.
    n. {Polishing}.] [F. polir, L. polire. Cf. {Polite}, {-ish}]
    1. To make smooth and glossy, usually by friction; to
    burnish; to overspread with luster; as, to polish glass,
    marble, metals, etc.

    2. Hence, to refine; to wear off the rudeness, coarseness, or
    rusticity of; to make elegant and polite; as, to polish
    life or manners. --Milton.

    {To polish off}, to finish completely, as an adversary.
    [Slang] --W. H. Russell.

    Polish \Pol"ish\, v. i.
    To become smooth, as from friction; to receive a gloss; to
    take a smooth and glossy surface; as, steel polishes well.

    Polish \Pol"ish\, a. [From {Pole} a Polander.]
    Of or pertaining to Poland or its inhabitants. -- n. The
    language of the Poles.

    Polish \Pol"ish\, n.
    1. A smooth, glossy surface, usually produced by friction; a
    gloss or luster.

    Another prism of clearer glass and better polish.
    --Sir I.

    2. Anything used to produce a gloss.

    3. Fig.: Refinement; elegance of manners.

    This Roman polish and this smooth behavior.

    1. Polish living standards dropped sharply in the early 1980s and still have not climbed back to the level of a decade ago.
    2. Newton's "Aramus" herd, named after a favorite Polish national champion stallion owned by the entertainer, is considered one of the top five Arabian herds in the world.
    3. In the past, Glemp has used the feast day sermon as an occasion to deliver major Polish church policy statements.
    4. It hopes output from Amino will serve the domestic Polish market as well as other east and central European countries.
    5. Unilever said the Polish company has annual sales of more than $20 million and accounts for more than a fifth of detergent powder made in Poland.
    6. A Polish sailor who is seeking political asylum says he fears for his life if he's deported, even though an American judge doesn't think the newly liberalized Polish government poses any threat.
    7. A Polish sailor who is seeking political asylum says he fears for his life if he's deported, even though an American judge doesn't think the newly liberalized Polish government poses any threat.
    8. Several banks have representative offices and US, German, Dutch and French banks are preparing to set up new branches. Meanwhile, the strongest Polish banks are increasing their reserves and raising their capital adequacy ratios.
    9. And while Solidarity had years of struggle that also let the Polish opposition fine-tune its platform, East Germany's pro-democracy forces suddenly have been thrown into the breach.
    10. The protesters charge that the current church leadership is diluting the Polish traditions of the church, which is located in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood.
    11. He had a Polish captain's uniform made to mark the anniversary of Poland's entry into the Second World War, even though he was not entitled to wear it.
    12. It was Warsaw's turn to host the annual session of the communist defense alliance founded in this Polish capital in 1955.
    13. Men have also fared better than women: only 12 per cent of the male sample said they were unemployed compared to 39 per cent of women. Ukraine has a long way to go before it reaches Polish levels of private activity.
    14. Poles tearfully accepted the Soviet Union's apology for the massacre of almost 15,000 Polish officers during World War II, but demanded reparations and more details of the killings.
    15. "I didn't realize the Congress works so slowly to make policy," said Miroslaw Luczka, a member of the Polish senate's investigations bureau in Warsaw.
    16. But Karski was not a Jew and his electrifying reports propelled the ambivalent Polish exile regime into demanding a response. Nevertheless, foreign office officials suspected the Poles of exploiting the news.
    17. "I am very happy but I am aware of what a cross, a union cross, a Polish cross, we are to bear," Walesa told delegates to Solidarity's second national congress.
    18. And to solve that economic puzzle, it must take unpopular steps that will tend to alienate its bedrock of support, the Polish worker.
    19. But in 1948, she acknowledged that her beloved husband Piotr had been among the Polish army officers massacred by the Soviet secret police in Katyn Forest.
    20. Radio Moscow, in a report Thursday monitored by the British Broadcasting Corp. in London, said a wreath-laying ceremony was held at a recently renovated monument at Katyn to "the Polish officers shot dead by the Nazis in 1941."
    21. Just last year, at a June Communist Youth Festival, the lead guitarist of the Polish supergroup Lady Pank appeared onstage shouting obscenities and exposing himself in front of 40,000 communist youths.
    22. Members of the group, dressed in embroidered folk shirts and blouses and lamb's wool vests, also gave Walesa an ax, which they said was a Polish symbol of freedom.
    23. JARUZELSKI SAID he hopes to call a referendum on a Polish austerity plan.
    24. The Polish king was regularly prayed for in synagogues around the world.
    25. Polish drivers are being forced off the roads not only by the doubling of gasoline prices but also by steep increases in car registration fees, highway taxes and insurance premiums.
    26. He said the enterprise plans to obtain the necessary guarantees to operate from the Polish finance minister and begin operating on Jan. 1.
    27. Moscow plans to withdraw 10,000 of its approximately 50,000 troops in Poland this year and to leave completely by 1993, a Polish general disclosed.
    28. "I think that my fate is completely bound up with the country where I was born, and I want to live there," Sakharov said Thursday night before boarding a jet to Paris and a possible meeting with Polish Solidarity leader Lech Walesa.
    29. The vodka is neither Russian nor Polish, but comes from Finland; and for the privilege of feeling you might be just about anywhere, you will pay the equivalent of a Romanian citizen's monthly salary.
    30. The developments underscore an end to the accommodative mood on both sides that briefly seemed to dominate Polish politics after Walesa ended a series of strikes in early September in exchange for the promise of the talks on Solidarity's future.
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