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 Paulsen 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. (Paulsen)人名;(英、德、西、意、葡、瑞典)保尔森

  1. "This is the strongest recessionary job market in 40 years, " says James Paulsen, chief investment strategist of Wells Capital Management.
    “就业市场处于40年来最不景气的时刻,” Wells Capital Management 的首席投资策略师詹姆斯·鲍尔森(James Paulsen)说道。
  2. "The only part of the bond market that you need to be bearish on is Treasuries," says Jim Paulsen, chief investment strategist at Wells Capital Management in Minneapolis.
    “债券市场中你唯一必须看跌的品种是国债,”位于明尼阿波利斯的Wells 资产管理公司的首席投资策略师Jim Paulsen说。
  3. Former guest Phyllis Paulsen was staying in a suite on floor 14 (actually floor 13) when the ghost of a young boy in a striped shirt walked up to her bed.

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