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 Paul Tibbets 添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 保罗·蒂贝茨

  1. CHICAGO (Reuters) - Paul Tibbets, the pilot of the U.S. bomber that dropped the first atomic bomb on Japan on Aug. 6, 1945, died on Thursday at age 92, a newspaper reported.
    路透芝加哥11月1日电---美国报纸报导称,1945年8月6日在日本广岛投下首颗原子弹的美国轰炸机飞行员Paul Tibbets周四在家中辞世,享年92岁。
  2. Paul Warfield Tibbets, Jr. , whose B-29 bomber dubbed the Enola Gay dropped the 9,000-pound "Little Boy" bomb on August 6, 1945, died at his home in the midwest city of Columbus, Ohio.
  3. James Tibbets, son of Brig. Gen. Paul W. Tibbets, Jr., says Friday's visit to Hiroshima by U.S. Ambassador John Roos is an act of contrition that his late father would never have approved.
    詹姆斯·蒂贝茨,美国空军少将保罗·蒂贝茨之子, 称其去世的父亲决不会赞同美国大使约翰·罗斯的广岛之行,这是一种悔罪举动。

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