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 Patrick ['pætrik]   添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. We could call in on Patrick on the way to your mother's.
    我们到你母亲家去, 不妨顺路到帕特里克家串个门儿.
  2. "Fine day for a shoot, " Patrick said. Julian then said to them all: "Well, this is well met, what? "

[ noun ]
Apostle and patron saint of Ireland; an English missionary to Ireland in the 5th century

  1. The two bills were introduced in January after a deranged drifter, Patrick Purdy, opened fire at a crowded Stockton schoolyard, killing five young students and wounding 29 others, as well as a teacher.
  2. Stethem's parents, Richard and Patricia, and their other two sons, Kenneth and Patrick, listened closely to the proceedings.
  3. He is strongly Christian, but believes religion and politics have to be kept apart. In spite of his 'Paddy' nickname, Sir Patrick fears his Irish background is overplayed.
  4. The arrests stem from a police investigation into the suicide of Patrick Vick, a Church of Scientology member in Lyon who jumped out of a 12th floor window in 1988.
  5. Patrick Mphephu, 63, the president-for-life of Venda, died Monday.
  6. Under Mr. Fowler, and his successor Dennis Patrick, the FCC has begun to loosen the rules, arguing that the vast growth in media outlets protects the public against media barons who would dominate public debate.
  7. The agency went over budget this year, Patrick said, because of federally mandated increases in salaries and benefits.
  8. Patrick Broderick of Montreal drove his 1977 Corvette to the Wildflower Restaurant to dine with a friend Monday night.
  9. The driving force behind the festival is the conductor Patrick Fournillier.
  10. "We want lawmen to be more sensitive to their needs," says Archbishop Patrick Flores.
  11. FCC Commissioner Dennis Patrick is widely considered to be the front-runner to succeed Mr. Fowler.
  12. The NPU, which is now being run down, has tried to ease negotiations between them. Mr Patrick McLoughlin, the employment minister, urged Tecs to create jointly a managing agency to give central support to contracting between them and large providers.
  13. Stores receiving the products were advised to pull them from their shelves, and consumers were urged to return any purchased items for refunds, said Patrick Farrell, a Continental spokesman from St. Louis.
  14. The terms include a requirement that supporting evidence should accompany requests for extradition, and Attorney General Sir Patrick Mayhew of Britain has refused to do so.
  15. Patrick's Day party thrown by House Speaker Thomas S. Foley what information he had on the fire.
  16. Assistant U.S. Attorneys Michael Patrick Sullivan and Myles H. Malman, both longtime Miami prosecutors, also will lead the team.
  17. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, D-N.Y., was paid an $800 advance for his new book.
  18. Patrick Stroh, a New York University instructor in American politics, said the Greens may be able to push the issues they champion up on the agenda of the established parties.
  19. What power wouldn't I trade for a little more time with my family?" Patrick Riordan Director of Public Information State University System of Florida Tallahassee, Fla.
  20. Wayne, who played minor roles in some of his father's films, listed his name on the marriage license as Patrick John Morrison, using the surname his father was born with.
  21. Wearing a cast and a smile, a young Irish woman bade farewell to the country that adopted her after a St. Patrick's Day traffic accident that put her in a coma for 10 days.
  22. Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Patrick will become consultants to the company.
  23. Five years ago: Thomas Patrick Cavanagh, an aerospace engineer who admitted trying to sell "stealth" bomber secrets to the Soviet Union, was sentenced in Los Angeles to life in prison.
  24. "Our disk allows people to ask questions at their leisure without all the sales pressure of a dealer showroom," says Patrick Harrison, a Buick marketing manager.
  25. The decision "will have an impact all over the country in similar cases," said Patrick Berigan, who represented Ben-Shalom.
  26. "There are a lot of safeguards" to weed out flaws, says Patrick C. Sommers, executive vice president of credit services.
  27. Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Senate Agriculture Committee, said Thursday that he would seek a vote before Congress recesses for the year unless Bush acts.
  28. "We used to have only one or two millionaires around here," says Patrick Zielke, La Crosse's mayor.
  29. Patrick Lekota, a senior official of the rival African National Congress, accuses Buthelezi of being a pawn of the ruling National Party.
  30. Pete Daikos, spokesman for Patrick Henry airport, said Christiansen took off early Wednesday, clipping a security guard's van on a runway and shearing off part of a wingtip fuel tank.
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