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 Passover ['pæs,әuvә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 逾越节

    [ noun ]
    (Judaism) a Jewish festival (traditionally 8 days from Nissan 15) celebrating the exodus of the Israelites from Egypt

    Passover \Pass"o`ver\, n. [Pass + over. See Pasch.] (Jewish
    (a) A feast of the Jews, instituted to commemorate the
    sparing of the Hebrews in Egypt, when God, smiting the
    firstborn of the Egyptians, passed over the houses of the
    Israelites which were marked with the blood of a lamb.
    (b) The sacrifice offered at the feast of the passover; the
    paschal lamb. --Ex. xii.

    1. The ancient tradition of eating matzo at Passover has sustained the handful of matzo makers that have dominated the business for decades.
    2. Manhattan's Park Avenue synagogue for the second successive year airlifed Passover supplies to Soviet Jewish congregations in Moscow and Odessa _ two tons of matzoth, wine, gefilte fish and other kosher foods for Passover.
    3. Manhattan's Park Avenue synagogue for the second successive year airlifed Passover supplies to Soviet Jewish congregations in Moscow and Odessa _ two tons of matzoth, wine, gefilte fish and other kosher foods for Passover.
    4. For five consecutive years, the government says, Manischewitz met with Horowitz and Streit in late fall to determine how much the price of matzo would rise for the following Passover.
    5. The Jewish holiday Passover concludes at sunset.
    6. For centuries, Jewish mothers have slaved to prepare the Passover feast, only to have the flavor of the food washed away by syrupy kosher wine.
    7. Passover week is April 2-9.
    8. Many signs of strain in a study of 29 Tel Aviv University computer center workers during Passover vacation were as great as or greater than during hectic computer shutdowns or startups or routine work.
    9. Volume was limited by the Passover holiday, which began Tuesday, and by the upcoming Good Friday holiday this week, traders said.
    10. Lawmakers hope to make this a shortened work week, taking off on Thursday to mark Passover.
    11. The army served Passover meals at military bases, but soldiers serving in the occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip were given grape juice instead of the traditional four cups of red wine, an army spokesman said.
    12. In Jewish west Jerusalem, few signs of recent tensions were evident as Israeli shoppers jammed stores buying flowers and candy to give relatives, a Passover tradition.
    13. Among those taking the so-called Passover Pledge: Manischewitz and Streit.
    14. Jews celebrated the first night of Passover and Christians carrying crosses marked Good Friday under heavy military and police guard that was mobilized to prevent violence after four months of Arab protests.
    15. The later Orthodox observance is based on a decree of the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D., saying Easter should be celebrated after the Hebrew Passover observance to maintain the biblical sequence of events.
    16. Older customers and religious Jews still favor sweet wines for Passover, store owners report.
    17. Volume was limited by the Passover holiday and the upcoming Good Friday holiday this week.
    18. The four Democrats kept up hectic schedules despite the Passover and Easter observances this weekend, mindful of the 81 delegates at stake Tuesday in Wisconsin.
    19. Horseradish eaten during traditional Passover dinners can pose a health hazard, says a Jewish doctor whose father collapsed after consuming an olive-sized serving of the bitter herb.
    20. Mr. Shiliar, the Leningrad immigrant learning the words of his first Passover, faces this problem.
    21. The full Senate plans to take up the bill Monday with the aim of passing it Wednesday before recessing for Passover.
    22. The government is accusing the country's best known matzo maker, The B. Manischewitz Co., of arranging with competitors to fix the price of $25 million of Passover matzo from 1981 to 1986.
    23. The exchange is closed Friday for Good Friday and the beginning of Passover.
    24. During the meal, held on the first evening of the holiday, Jews eat food symbolizing the Passover themes of redemption and freedom and read the story of the exodus from Egypt.
    25. The Haggadah, which recounts the story of the deliverance of the ancient Hebrews from slavery in Egypt, is read by Jews during the Passover holiday celebration, which begins Friday evening.
    26. Israel placed its security forces on high alert today to prevent guerrilla attacks during the Passover holiday, and thousands of Israelis traveled to beach resorts or headed home to be with relatives.
    27. Two Jewish men imprisoned for armed attacks on Arabs in the occupied land West Bank were ordered freed Friday in a Passover holiday gesture by President Chaim Herzog.
    28. Budget restrictions forced the army to cancel the headquarters Passover feast, which is traditionally held at a different base each year and is attended by the chief of staff and dignitaries.
    29. She told him it would be a "lovely gesture" during the Passover and Easter holidays to celebrate themes of freedom and resurrection by buying back the lobsters.
    30. It was Passover, the rabbis pleaded.
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