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 Palau   添加此单词到默认生词本

    [ noun ]
    1. a republic in the western central Pacific Ocean in association with the United States

    2. <noun.location>
    3. a chain of more than 200 islands about 400 miles long in the western central Pacific Ocean

    4. <noun.location>

    1. Palau, with an estimated 15,000 residents living on eight of its 200 islands, is the world's last trusteeship, established in 1947 by the United Nations.
    2. Divers have discovered 55 Japanese warships, cargo boats and submarines sunk during World War II off Palau in the western Pacific Ocean, the government announced.
    3. The recovery of the brown pelican in the southeastern United States seems to be attributed to the nationwide ban on DDT, while the "recovery" of the Palau dove, Palau fantail and Palau owl simply stems from the discovery of more birds.
    4. The recovery of the brown pelican in the southeastern United States seems to be attributed to the nationwide ban on DDT, while the "recovery" of the Palau dove, Palau fantail and Palau owl simply stems from the discovery of more birds.
    5. The recovery of the brown pelican in the southeastern United States seems to be attributed to the nationwide ban on DDT, while the "recovery" of the Palau dove, Palau fantail and Palau owl simply stems from the discovery of more birds.
    6. Remengesau took over as president in August to fill ot the term of Palau's second president, Lazarus Salii, who shot and killed himself at his home.
    7. The House on Tuesday endorsed and sent to the Senate legislation that would give final approval to a self-government plan for the Western Pacific islands of Palau.
    8. Some of the counts also relate to their handling of an $80 million housing issue for Guam's neighboring island, Saipan, and a $400 million issue for the Pacific island of Palau, Mr. O'Connor added.
    9. Andreas Schmidt's Wolfram - restrained, moving, nobly sung, must surely be one of the finest since Herbert Janssen - a long time ago. Meanwhile the Palau de la Musica Catalana welcomed the Montreal Symphony Orchestra under Charles Dutoit.
    10. A federal judge ruled Monday that the tiny South Pacific island Republic of Palau must pay an international consortium of banks more than $44 million on defaulted loans.
    11. Salii was elected president and Remengesau vice president in a special 1985 election after the assassination of Palau's first president, Haruo I. Remeliik.
    12. Tourism development sometimes even improves the setting. Tokyu Land Corp., owner of Pan Pacific Hotels & Resorts, turned a former Japanese seaplane base on Palau, an island in the Western Carolines in the South Pacific, into a resort.
    13. Leaders of the Interior Committee have sent congressional investigators to Palau to probe allegations that senior Palau officials may be involved with the smuggling of Southeast Asia heroin into the United States.
    14. Leaders of the Interior Committee have sent congressional investigators to Palau to probe allegations that senior Palau officials may be involved with the smuggling of Southeast Asia heroin into the United States.
    15. They took part in missions at Wake Island, Palau, Guam, and Saipan.
    16. A young boy died Saturday night when he was swept by rain into mangrove trees near his home in the cluster of islands that comprise Palau, the Pacific Daily News said.
    17. Etpison, Gibbons and Uludong are governors of their states, of which Palau has 16.
    18. Goldberg and Mann "willfully and knowingly" misrepresented the need for a $400 million bond issue for "undefined, speculative projects" on the tiny Pacific island of Palau, which has 10,000 residents.
    19. Palau's constitution bars nuclear weapons and nuclear power from its territory.
    20. The United States also retains a 50-year right to establish a military base on Palau should it need an alternative to its current bases in the Philippines.
    21. "The people of Palau must work together in unity and cooperate to bring prosperity to our future generations," Gibbons said.
    22. Udall and de Lugo also cited last summer's violence in Palau surrounding a plebiscite in which a majority of Palauans voted to change their constitution's strong prohibition on nuclear weapons in their country.
    23. The United State has been administering Palau affairs under the trusteeship. The candidates also advocate a stronger government role for the island chain's 16 traditional chiefs.
    24. To understand why the U.S. wants to give Palau $1 billion, and why Palau has already turned it down four times and probably will again next Tuesday, it helps to know something about the islands' historical relations with the outside world.
    25. To understand why the U.S. wants to give Palau $1 billion, and why Palau has already turned it down four times and probably will again next Tuesday, it helps to know something about the islands' historical relations with the outside world.
    26. Palau, about 4,500 miles southwest of Hawaii and 600 miles east of the Philippines, has been beset by economic and political problems.
    27. Palau would get $320 million in aid over the first 15 years, a $70 million investment fund it can't touch for 15 years, and other funds that add up to about $1 billion.
    28. Palau is at a juncture where the old ways are making room for new approaches." The official said most of the campaigning has been centered around local issues such as road construction and service to the villages.
    29. The election is of special interest to the United States and other Pacific governments because of Palau's strategic military importance.
    30. Japan occupied Palau, which is about 600 miles east of the Philippines and nearly 2,000 miles south of Tokyo, from 1922 until American forces captured the island chain in 1945.
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