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 PRC 添加此单词到默认生词本

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    [ noun ]
    a communist nation that covers a vast territory in eastern Asia; the most populous country in the world

    1. "PRC could be a tough sell," says a defense analyst who won't be quoted by name; his firm wants to take part in Black & Decker's offering.
    2. The GeneAmp PRC process was developed by Cetus, and allows gene sequences to be replicated millions of times.
    3. He offered Mr. Parrish $1 million, more than the $700,000 base the PRC advised paying but much less than an All-Star catcher would have commanded before.
    4. So, Black & Decker will offer investors 100% of PRC, at about $21 apiece for 16 million shares.
    5. But analysts say the price, about 16.3 times PRC's reported profit, looks steep for a company that has languished with flat sales and earnings since 1989, when the Cold War waned and the Berlin Wall came down.
    6. PRC Realty and Detroit-based Realtron provide similar services.
    7. But Emhart in past years paid about $360 million for companies that became PRC.
    8. If the PRC (People's Republic of China) accepts this Soviet proposal, the Soviet Union will call directly on Norodom Sihanouk.
    9. And it must be especially galling to Beijing that two of the four renegade nations are from sub-Saharan Africa, a region with which the PRC claims a special bond.
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