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 Old Kingdom 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. It is located in Saqqara, about 12 miles south of Cairo, the final resting place of most of the Egyptian rulers who lived in the Old Kingdom capital of Memphis.
    该金字塔位于开罗以南12英里的小村庄塞加拉。 大多数古埃及王国的统治者生前居住在首都孟斐斯,而死后则把这里当做最后的安息地。
  2. Second, this study of the Viziers in the Old Kingdom is to come to light the disintegration of the central authority and the rise of semiautonomous families in names of the Upper Egypt .
  3. Lehner, Hawass and others agree it was Pharaoh Khafre, who ruled Egypt during the Old Kingdom, which began around 2, 600 B.C. and lasted some 500 years before giving way to civil war and famine.
    雷纳、哈瓦斯、以及其他人都同意是统治大约公元前2600年时古埃及古王国(Old Kindom)的哈夫拉法老(Pharaoh Khafre)。 在战乱和饥荒爆发之前,古王国持续了大约500年之久。

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