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    1. One ad, no longer used by PCA, talked of $15,000 to $30,000 "with no additional work." Much of the advertising has cooled, partly in response to criticism.
    2. Much of Friday's session was spent debating language permitting the District of Columbia to use local funds to pay for abortions for poor women.
    3. Much of the loss from a large wind storm is accounted for by many, relatively small claims from householders.
    4. Much of the information has been received by the previous crew via facsimile machine or computer, so the hotline's contents are largely synchronous with newspaper and television reports.
    5. Much of the buying apparently was based on indications of increased global demand for grain and soybeans, particularly by the Soviet Union.
    6. Much of the aid is disrupted, looted or destroyed.
    7. Much gente cree que solo personas de ciertos "grupos de alto riesqo" es infectada por el virus del SIDA.
    8. Much of the testimony at the hearing has focused on technical studies of how cracks form in 737s.
    9. Much of the increase was accounted for by industrial machinery and equipment, led by engines and computers.
    10. Much of that money goes to reward its software developers, who receive a commission on revenue for the first six years of a program's life.
    11. Much of his day was spent in talks on the crisis caused by Iraq's Aug. 2 invasion of Kuwait.
    12. Much of the land on which sugar-beet was to be grown remained wet and cold far longer than normal.
    13. Much of that surplus was with the U.S.
    14. Much of the interest in the identity of Abrams' successor stems from the uncertainty about the course Bush will follow on the two dominant hemispheric issues: Central America and Latin America's $420 billion foreign debt.
    15. Much to the relief of Austrian stockbrokers, bankers and the business community, the ceasefire in neighbouring Yugoslavia is providing an incentive for foreign investors to return to the Vienna stock exchange.
    16. Much later, after American air raids, he walked through the charred rubble.
    17. Much of the liability for the accident, and similar catastrophes, falls on the providers of reinsurance that operate through Lloyds.
    18. Much of the advertising is for ethnic products, local merchants, real estate agents and other businesses catering to U.S. Asians. But more mainstream companies are testing campaigns in Korean, Chinese, Japanese and other Asian languages.
    19. Much of Armenia still is in ruins, despite millions of dollars in assistance from the United States and elsewhere.
    20. Much of the financial world's attention was focused on Friday, when the markets have a date with the quarterly "triple witching hour" involving a set of expiring options and futures on stock indexes.
    21. Much of the future action, he adds, is likely to be in Brazil because "it's going through the structural changes that create an explosive stock market." But some skepticism clouds the Brazilian picture.
    22. Also, Mr Clinton may be an easier target on personal grounds, but is much more resilient and combative than the passive Mr Dukakis. Much has been made of this year's British precedent.
    23. Much of the collapse came from its humiliating and costly problems with the Food and Drug Administration.
    24. Much of the political agenda of the religious right _ including making abortion illegal, allowing tuition tax credits for private schools and silent prayer in public schools _ remains unfulfilled.
    25. Much of the administration's Iran and Contra initiatives were carried out from within the National Security Council.
    26. Braugher, whose theater credits include "Much Ado About Nothing" and "King John" at the New York Shakespeare Festival, makes his film debut in "Glory," and is someone to watch.
    27. Much of the raw manpower consists of basij, or lightly trained volunteers.
    28. Much has been said and written about the low expectations for Quayle, and how that might be an advantage for him in the debate.
    29. Much of the collection was reprinted from scrapbooks and contained personalized captions by J.R. Cofield.
    30. As one general secretary put it: 'We will be very stretched by that.' Much more subversive for the unions, however, was the government's white paper on market testing, Competing for Quality, published last year.
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