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 Moscow ['mɑsko]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 莫斯科

    [ noun ]
    a city of central European Russia; formerly capital of both the Soviet Union and Soviet Russia; since 1991 the capital of the Russian Federation

    1. In 1979, the Washington and Moscow signed SALT II setting limits on long-range nuclear weapons.
    2. Pravda described the accident scene as being one of "brief panic," but said medical workers from Moscow and nearby Gorky were immediately notified and asked for help.
    3. "Urgent measures are being taken to help all those affected by this terrible tragedy, and I have to be there in this effort," said Gorbachev, who planned to fly to Yerevan after arriving in Moscow. He canceled planned trips to Cuba and Britain.
    4. Soviet Premier Nikolai I. Ryzhkov and Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze joined Gorbachev for the meeting with Modrow, who arrived in Moscow on a one-day visit late Monday.
    5. Krenz holds talks in Moscow with Gorbachev and announces East Germany has much to learn from Kremlin-style reforms.
    6. "We are anti-imperialist with Moscow and we are anti-imperialist with Washington," Pastora told the crowd at the adjacent Plaza of the Revolution.
    7. Former US Central Intelligence Agency officer Aldrich Ames (left) was sentenced to life in prison after he pleaded guilty in Virginia to spying for Moscow.
    8. But he says the United States and the allies should go slow in making deals with Moscow.
    9. Kondo said the two foreign ministers' talks on the territorial issue were "frank, serious and heated." Moscow has consolidated its occupation of the Kurils, which guard Moscow's access to the Pacific, with 10,000 troops.
    10. Kondo said the two foreign ministers' talks on the territorial issue were "frank, serious and heated." Moscow has consolidated its occupation of the Kurils, which guard Moscow's access to the Pacific, with 10,000 troops.
    11. A Soviet diplomat arrived here Wednesday to discuss a troubled peace plan for Namibia in what was the first official visit to South Africa approved by Moscow in 33 years.
    12. The U.S. must also demand removal of hundreds of Soviet advisers, the cessation of military supplies and a review of treaties that might tie Afghanistan inextricably to Moscow.
    13. In his short term as Moscow party chief, Yeltsin was a close supporter of Gorbachev, especially of his calls for greater openness.
    14. In Moscow's Red Square, hundreds of thousands of people toted banners extolling "perestroika" (economic restructuring), "glasnost" (openness) and other Communist Party programs.
    15. Like most Moscow intellectuals, he already has got used to the idea that just about anything non-pornographic that isn't an outright attack on established order can be safely printed in this country now.
    16. Kasparov said Moscow either was unwilling or unable to solve ethnic disputes involving Azerbaijan and Armenia, and he called for individuals to begin direct negotiations between the republics.
    17. Western European and Japanese leaders hailed Moscow's plan, but noted that any pact should be verifiable and linked to cuts in conventional forces.
    18. Moscow wants IMF endorsement of its credentials as a pro-reform government, while the Fund is seeking to justify its position as lead manager in helping Russia remake its economy in the capitalist mould. Reaching agreement will not be easy.
    19. In Moscow, Foreign Minister Eduard A. Shevardnadze proposed Friday that Europeans, Americans and Canadians vote on reunification because they suffered so much in World War II.
    20. The Persian Gulf war is expected to be on the agenda when Reagan and Gorbachev meet May 29-June 2 in Moscow.
    21. Hungarian officials fear that the Soviets may stop withdrawing troops until they pay a huge bill Moscow has presented.
    22. In Moscow, the newspaper exchange was seen as an allegory for the struggle between Gorbachev and Ligachev.
    23. At the short end the two-year note was unchanged at 100 1/16 , to yield 3.825 per cent. The news overnight of intense fighting in Moscow, set the scene for early gains in Treasuries. Yet any benefits for the Treasury market yesterday were short-lived.
    24. The team is travelling to Kiev, Odessa and Moscow July 28-Aug.
    25. Manhattan's Park Avenue synagogue for the second successive year airlifed Passover supplies to Soviet Jewish congregations in Moscow and Odessa _ two tons of matzoth, wine, gefilte fish and other kosher foods for Passover.
    26. President Anwar Sadat expelled Moscow's military advisers in 1972, and Egypt since has become Washington's closest Arab ally.
    27. And, some of the cuts Start mandates in superpower arsenals might be made anyway because of simple budget restraints in the U.S. and Moscow.
    28. The Senate opened debate on the U.S.-Soviet medium-range missile treaty Tuesday, just over a week before President Reagan leaves for the Moscow summit.
    29. It was part of a world tour that began in Moscow and ends Thanksgiving day in Moscow, Idaho.
    30. It was part of a world tour that began in Moscow and ends Thanksgiving day in Moscow, Idaho.
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