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 Mordecai   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Its spiritual elder, Mordecai Chaim Rumkowski, was a very accommodating man, ensuring that his flock did exactly what the Nazis required of them, including satisfying the deportation quotas.
    2. Mordecai digested the mistake of his forebear King Saul, whose tender mercy toward the evil King Agag unleashed, in Mordecai's time, a greater threat that could be contained only at yet a greater cost.
    3. Mordecai digested the mistake of his forebear King Saul, whose tender mercy toward the evil King Agag unleashed, in Mordecai's time, a greater threat that could be contained only at yet a greater cost.
    4. A cat can be left alone," said Mordecai Siegal, a member of the Feline Advisory Council at Cornell University's Feline Health Center and editor of the center's newly published guide to cat care.
    5. Thanks to the intercession of another minister, Mordecai, himself a descendant of the family of Saul, Haman's plan was thwarted.
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