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 Montenegrin [`mɑntə'nigrɪn]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 黑山的

n. 黑山人

    1. The ouster of the entire Montenegrin ruling elite came after more than 120,000 people demonstrated earlier this week in Titograd, the region's capital, demanding the leadership step down because of the disastrous state of the region's economy.
    2. The students, who belong to Serb and Montenegrin minorities, also marched Friday.
    3. Milosevic and his supporters commonly use terms such as "genocide and terror" when talking about the alleged harassment of Kosovo's Serb and Montenegrin minorities by ethnic Albanians.
    4. The Montenegrin Parliament today accepted the resignations of the republic's six-man presidency.
    5. Milosevic argues that Serbia needs more say to protect the Serb and Montenegrin minority in Kosovo from alleged harassment by the ethnic Albanian majority.
    6. Police used force over the weekend to disperse Montenegrin demonstrators.
    7. In January, the entire Montenegrin Communist Party leadership was removed and replaced after more than 120,000 people demonstrated in Titograd, the region's capital, protesting economic conditions.
    8. Zarkovic, a close associate of Tito, resigned in response to demands made during huge demonstrations last month in his home republic of Montenegro that led to replacement of the Montenegrin leadership.
    9. Milosevic wants the situation changed to protect the Serb and Montenegrin minorities in Kosovo from alleged ethnic Albanian harassment.
    10. Kosovo won broad autonomy in the 1974 constitution, which Milosevic wants changed to protect the Serb and Montenegrin minorities in Kosovo from alleged harassment by the ethnic Albanian majority.
    11. It shook an Yugoslav area extending from the Macedonian towns of Dabar and Tetovo to the Montenegrin capital of Titograd.
    12. A ceremonial unit of the former Montenegrin Navy, clad in traditional 17th century uniforms, carried the king's saber and his many medals, and marched along with Montenegrins in colorful national costume.
    13. The rally in front of the Montenegrin Parliament building was triggered by a strike of about 1,000 construction firm workers who put down their tools earlier Friday to protest low wages and falling living standards, state-run media reports said.
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